Chapter 5

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Alexis's POV

     I woke up to the sound of someone pacing around the room. It must have been Isaac. I reached over to my nightstand for my phone, but all I felt was air. Weird. I managed to crack one eye open. My nightstand was nowhere to be found. On second thought, my whole room wasn't here. I opened my other eye and quickly sat up. I winced in pain from my stomach. That wasn't important at the moment. I was in some place that looked somewhat like a doctor's office, and I didn't remember being brought here. The last thing I remembered was talking a walk and blacking out. That was about it. I snapped back into reality when the pacing stopped. A familiar looking guy with messy brown hair, a pair of Converse, and a worried look on his face was standing there, staring at me. He hesitated, but he came over to me. My heart rate shot up. I scooted back as far as I possibly could without falling off of the table. I got about two inches away.
     "Hey, it's okay," he told me. I was finding it difficult to breathe, and he could tell. "My friend and I found you on the side of the road. You were hurt, so we bandaged you up," he explained. I tugged the edges of my shirt up just enough to see some white bandages. "Do you want to see it?" He asked, sensing my curiosity about how bad the injury was. I nodded a little. He cautiously moved closer towards me like he was afraid I would get up and run. He gently unraveled the bandages from around my stomach. "I'm Stiles by the way," he informed me. I nodded, signaling to him that I heard him. He took off the rest of the bandages and tossed them onto a different table. I was terrified at what I would see, and my mind instinctively imagined the worst thing that could have happened. I took as deep of a breath as I could manage and looked down. It wasn't the injury itself that made me start to freak out: it was how rapidly it was healing. Don't get me wrong, it was a huge wound, but it was visibly healing fast. I could see my own skin start to cover it in a matter of seconds. Usually, this type of wound would take weeks to recover from, but at the rate I was going, I would be fine by tomorrow. I frantically looked up at Stiles, who seemed equally as scared as I was.
     "Hey Stiles, I got the-" a voice said from the other side of the room. My head shot over to him. He looked at me quizzically, then he noticed my rapidly healing wound.
     "Scott, perfect timing," Stiles told him.
     "You're a werewolf," I whispered. Everyone in the room, including me, was shocked. I didn't mean to say it. It kind of just came out of my mouth. Stiles and Scott looked at each other with the same confused, scared look on their faces. By the time they were done staring, my wound had almost completely healed.
     "Stiles, can I talk to you in the hallway?" Scott practically demanded. Both of them walked out of the room, one of them closing the door behind them. Once I couldn't hear their footsteps or whispers anymore, I swung my legs over the table and attempted to stand up. Key word: attempted. My knees gave out almost instantly, and I would have fallen if the table hadn't been there. I grabbed on to it just in time and straightened out. I slowly and cautiously walked over to the counter that held my dirty-looking phone. I picked it up and turned it on. The battery was almost dead, but it was still working. I sighed in relief. Isaac would have killed me. Oh my god! Isaac! I had completely forgotten. Before I could give that topic any more thought, I heard the doorknob start to turn. In record time, I turned off the phone, placed it back exactly where it was on the counter, and slid back onto the uncomfortable, metal table.
     "How would you feel about staying at my house for a few days until after the full moon?" Stiles asked me all of a sudden. I didn't know how to respond. "Okay, cool. Then I guess it's settled. Come on. I already talked to my dad about it." He helped me stand up and walk out of the door. My mind raced. He handed me my phone. "You should probably tell whoever you need to. Tomorrow, we can go to your house and get your stuff," Stiles informed me. I just shoved the phone in my back pocket. Yeah right! If I texted my dad, he would be furious for three reasons. 1. He would know that I have a phone. 2. He would be mad at me for leaving without telling him and 3. He would probably be drunk at this hour. So, I obediently followed Stiles into his car and rode off with him, defying all of the "stranger danger" laws. I was still curious about the whole werewolf thing, but I trusted that Stiles would tell me sooner or later. For some reason, I felt safe with him. I felt safer than I've ever felt before. I told myself to keep my distance. This would just be for a night or two. I couldn't get attached. After this ordeal, I would most likely never see him again. If I got too attached, then it would be harder for me to let go when I had to leave.

AUTHOR'S NOTE- Hey guys! Sorry it took so long! Wattpad hasn't been letting me publish, and it keeps crashing whenever I try. More chapters are on the way, and thank you for reading!

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