Just kiss the girl 1/2

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So this story takes place in Alexandria but Glenn and Maggie never got together, instead they became best friends and often act like more, making the rest of the group extremely annoyed that they aren't dating already.
Enjoy :) 💚💚💚

Maggie Greene sat silently on the front steps to her house, every so often peeking behind her through the open door and watching her best friend get ready for a run.

Glenn had been her best friend for years, almost since the beginning of the end of the world. She didn't know what it was but they just clicked, always having something to talk about and always finding comfort in the other. When the prison got overrun and everyone was scattered, it was Glenn that she felt a need to find.

And needless to say Glenn felt the same.

Neither ever even thought of something more than a friendship being built up between them, the long hugs they shared and the deep looks they gave one another, always being shrugged off as a sign of a deep connection of friendship.

Both had always been oblivious to the quiet chuckles of their family, never noticing the eye rolls they throw at them or the whispers hidden behind pillows.

Glenn stepped from the hallway, shutting the door carefully and smiling at Maggie, he sat beside her as she rested her head softly on his shoulder.

"I got to go mags." He sighed sadly, zipping up his bag and kissing Maggie's forehead before standing up, "come say goodbye?"


They walked in silence, the only sound being their footsteps on the gravel path.

Maggie's breath hitched in her throat when they approached the cars, suppressing a sob and attempting to hide her obvious upset with an elaborate fake smile. Glenn tried not to notice, the tears that pricked her unique green eyes or the slight quiver that played on her lips.

He'd tried to deny it before, tried to brush it off as a rush of adrenalin or some other emotion. He tried to convince himself that he wasn't in love with Maggie Greene because he feared that she wouldn't feel the same, feared that their brilliant friendship would be over.

He engulfed her in his arms and again he tried to ignore the way she clung to him, as if he were her rock and if she let go he'd be torn from her.

"I'll be fine mags." He smiled, pulling away from her.

"I know but it's so long... I mean three weeks, you're my best friend Glenn." Her eyes fell to the floor in an attempt to hide her watering eyes, "I'm gonna miss you..."

"I'm gonna miss you too..." His eyes were watering now too and he couldn't help but think back to the last time they were parted.


"I've gotta find Maggie!" Glenn turned to look at his new companion, desperation leaking from his eyes.

"Whose Maggie?"

"She's my best friend..."


The tunnel seemed to be endless, but yet even the horrendous smell of rotting flesh wasn't a deterrent for Glenn and that made Tara wonder, that maybe, just maybe there was something more than 'just friendship' going on here.

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