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A/N this chapter is about a fire and if you don't like that or have bad experiences etc then don't read 💚💚


Nobody saw it coming, most people thought that the wolves were taken care of, the surviors too scared to return. However a small amount had been recruiting over the past few months, Alexandria, oblivious to this, went about a normal life. No-one was bothered about anything... Everything was fine, the struggle with crops now taken care of, rations were growing in numbers and the community finally felt stable enough to take in more surviors.

All the time the ASZ believed it was safe, the wolves had been planning. Recruiting.

Under the dead of night a small team surrounded the watch posts of Alexandria, distracting the guards so a team of Wolves could get through the gates, unnoticed. Alexandria were surviors and usually quick to realise when they were being tricked, however, it has been months since anything more than a stray walked had come across them. The wolves had realised this and used it to there advantage. Alexandria were off their game... What better time to attack?

The enemy took out the watch guards and snuck around the town under the cover of darkness. And when Abraham had finally realised their sanctuary was under attack it was, of course, too late. He sprinted towards one of the attackers just as a flaming arrow hit the glass of a window, immediately causing the house to go up in flames. As Abraham was fighting with the wolf many Alexandrians stumbled out of buildings, smoke choking them as more arrows were fired. The fire soon engulfed a whole street, spreading quickly.

"Is everyone out?" Rick asked, scanning the faces around him. Many of the weak has been wrapped in blankets and everyone was huddled into a group.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?" Michonne's voice was almost a plea, "I never saw them get out!"

"Nor did I," everyone was quiet for a moment until Eugene quickly piped up.

"We need to evacuate these premesis immediately... the wind will soon sweep the fire to these trees and then we're all dead."

"We need to get them out!" Tara objected, completely ignoring Eugene, "We can stop the patrol for the wolves, they've gone... why get burnt with us, they've done what they came here to do..." Tara took a breath, coughing slightly from the thick black smoke, "get Abraham, and everyone else on patrol as well as volunteers and go get our people, we can't leave them to die."


The fire had almost taken over the whole room, Maggie and Glenn both sat huddled close in the far corner, "Glenn-" Maggie started choking heavily, she looked up at her husband and could see tears running down his cheeks, "we-w-we need t-to get out!" Maggie told him... although there was nothing either one could do, the drop from the window was enough to cause more damage than the fire.

"I d-don't know how Mags-" he pulled her closer pressing their cheeks together and letting both their tear merge, "stay with me baby." Glenn pleaded, as Maggie's eyelids started to droop shut, "we're both gonna get out of this."


"Rosita, Daryl... go to the armery, in the cupbourd there's a ladder, be quick... there are people's lives on the line here!" Rick ordered them off quickly and watched them turn the corner before staring back up at the house and biting his lip, "please be ok."


The ladder was carefully stacked against the blackened brick of the flaming house, Rick climbing up first and, when he was at the top, took a deep breath, nervous about what he may find. He peered over the window ledge and into the smoky room, it was enough to make his eyes water while he sputtered, "Glenn?! Maggie?!"

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