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The signs were clear on the way to terminus, stating they had a sanctuary, restoring hope in anyone that saw it. However we got the opposite of hope, I guess we should've expected it, opposites are what define this world. When you die you live, when you live you kill, when you love there's a certain amount of avoidance, and anger... At least there was between Rick and Lori.

I like to believe that Maggie and I are different, that we aren't the opposite of love but instead the definition of love. Although a different type of love movies portrayed or your parents or that short high school fling.

Maggie's and my love is a whirl pool of emotions, love playing a big part but also fear, frustration and every so often an overwhelming sense of happiness... That's usually when we're not locked inside a train car surround by people we haven't considered family for very long, some of which we only encountered a couple days ago.

We got here hearts full of hope... So full we missed the obvious. Why wasn't the gate locked? How could you have a sanctuary without it being surrounded by the dead. I guess we all just put it down to luck but we forgot the blindingly obvious point, there is no luck anymore. No miracles. No one offs. No cheating the inevitable, just survival.

Walking through the gates, smiles pinned to our faces.

We got lead to our so called 'rooms' and that's when we started to falter on the hopeful attitude, we started to realise that people who believe in saving people don't escort the people they're saving around with guns pressed to the smalls of they're backs. You don't round up allies or threaten them.

"Dude at the front! Go to the train cart door..." I didn't move, frozen to the spot, not out of fear or shock. I was frozen because hope had let me down again. "NOW!"

Once there, they pounced on Abraham, "Now you, the tall one!"

"Mullet you're next!" Eugene lined up behind Abraham, eventually the whole group was in a line... Apart from Maggie.

I looked into her brilliant green eyes, I watched as tears threatened to fall over her cheeks. She never cried... She was so clear about never letting the enemy see her emotions.

A gun was pressed to her head, and she glanced over at me before blinking away the tears, all hope draining away with them.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I leapt from the group, running at full speed to my wife.

"Well, well... I do like a little drama." The unwelcoming looking guy, the one who first thrust the gun into my back, the one who first made my hope waver, chuckled.

I was held back, thrashing against the my captors, my energy burning dangerously low as I let out one last grunt, followed closely by a punch. Nothing moved.

"Who are you?" He was directing his question to Maggie.

"M-Maggie." She stuttered, briefly glancing up at him before retaining my steady gaze.

"And who is this?" He motioned towards me in an almost vulgar manner before staring intently at Maggie.

"Why do you care?" Maggie spat back making the man press the gun harder into her head.

"Tell me!"

"Glenn," Maggie answered but it was almost as if she was calling to me, tears back in her eyes.

"And who is he?"

"My-my husband," the man grabbed her hand.

"Pretty ring," he gripped her arm and marched to the train car. "Bring the man!"

"Why?" I knew I couldn't get ourselves into any worse situation and I needed to know the reason why they'd terrorise my wife, my Maggie.

"So you know who you're dealing with," with that he slammed the door of the train car shut.

Everyone around me were huddled close, their breathing making the small area in the middle claustrophobic but I needed to know where Maggie was.

After not finding her in the middle, I started to press my hand along the wall of the cart, every so often bumping into one of my group and after muttering quick apologies I carried on feeling my way around the train car, letting my fingers fall into the diverts, in the dented metal walls.

I came across Tara and gripped her arm, "Have you seen Maggie?"

"Muffled crying in corner... Glenn what's going on?"

"I don't know..." I answered truthfully before guiding myself over to the corner, I slid down in front of Maggie, kneeling and taking her hands away from her eyes.

"Hey, talk to me..." She didn't move from her spot, continually staring at her shoes.

"There isn't any hope is there?" She sighed deeply wiping her eyes with the cuff of her sleeve.

"Yes there is." In that second, seeing my wife upset and scared and wanting to do nothing more than pull her into my arms, I realised that there are miracles because we found each other, more than once. We fell in love. Saved people who couldn't be saved and have survived.

"How?" Had she truly lost all hope?

Instead of answering, I pulled her from the cold floor and into my lap, taking her with me when I laid down. Her soft sigh touched my neck as I gently rubbed circles onto her back. Her head rested just below my chin, same as last night, when we saw each other again. She had told me that she was only comfortable at night with me, using the words: 'you're my favourite bed.'

Within seconds she was asleep, clutching part of my t-shirt in her hand the other one placed in mine.

"Mags, our love is hope."



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