Moony stepped out of the room. "Thank Merlin!" James exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air. "I thought you were never coming out."

Moony just stuck his tongue out at The Groom-To-Be like a five year old. "Shut up. Come on, we only have three hours before the ceremony."

The three took off. James tried to sneak into the room where Lily was, but as soon as the door was open - not even more than two centimeters open - Marlene and Alice slammed the door in his face, and that muggle girl came out and reprimanded him.

"Listen, Whatever-Your-Name-Is, I might not believe in true love and I may be a cynic but I'm pretty sure that the groom isn't allowed to see the bride beforehand," she had said, pulling her long black hair over her right shoulder. " Let me phrase this in the most polite way possible -- Get. Out."

And though he had never met the arrogant and cynical girl, James had probably never been so happy to oblige.


Padfoot thinks he might be going insane.

Please ignore the previous sentence, as we all know that Padfoot has always been pretty insane.

He reviewed the speech he had made for the 1264936484679th time. He had it memorized by now, but one can never be too careful. Making notes with a weird featherless quill, Sirius Black corrected small grammar mistakes that one would usually look over without caring, such as misspelling too as to or forgetting an apostrophe.

"Thirty Minutes, Pads!" Remus had called while standing in the doorway. "I don't care whether your done with the damn speech or not, get your ass out here!"

"Okay, okay! Sheesh."

God, Moony could be so bossy sometimes.


Moony wasn't trying to be rude. He really, truly wasn't. He was just worried.

And he has every right to be, too. Worried, I mean. His best friend is getting married in less than an hour and he's sweating so, so much and he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand to stop the small pools from collecting on his skin.

Moony really was he responsible one, wasnt he? The Dad friend. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, considering the bunch he hung out with. Look at them, enjoying themselves, when there was so much work to do!

They had to... Well, there was still.... I mean, they hadn't finished...

I guess we took care of everything, didn't we? Moony gave in. There us absolutely nothing to do but enjoy ourselves.

Damn the rest of the marauders, why were they always right?


Marlene was not in the slightest bit worried. In fact, she was a bit tipsy instead.

Marlene had a dangerously low tolerance to firewhiskey. She had drunk only one a shotglass full, and now she was already feeling drunk.

Marlene reached for the bottle, and then stopped herself. Its your best friends wedding, so good call, marls.

She was already in her bridesmaid dress, a simply elegant thing, her hair curled and her lips glossed -- though some of the shiny pink stuff came off on the rim of the tiny glass. She went to the vanity to apply some more.

Forever Ever Cotton Candy lip gloss. Her favorite lip gloss, the only one she would wear other than Forever Ever Candy Apple. It doesn't really seem like a Marlene sort of thing, but no one can deny that Marlene was the definition of surprise.


Alice was ready. She had quadruple checked everything. After she made this one final round, it would be quintuple.

She was with Moony, the two both fretting over everything.

Oh, this flower is out of place; oh dear, the table cloth has a wrinkle in it; oh my, the centerpiece isn't at the exact center of the table -- in which they proceeded to get a measuring tape  and found the diameter and radius of the the table, then set the centerpiece in the exact center.

Moony flattened his tie and perfected his blazer. Alice used that trick that Binns showed her and hypnotized someone for the fun of it.

She showed Mari Kate, and the poor muggle girl was seriously convinced she was using The Force.


Frank pressed his tie, his big brown eyes full of excitement, his smile growing bigger by the second. James was getting Married!

He ran into Alice while Moony was doing his rounds of perfectionism. "Hey there, beautiful."

Though it was probably the most cheesy line ever thought of, Alice blushed a little, and Frank thought of it was a victory. He kissed Alice briefly. "I'll see you later?" He whispered into her ear. She nodded slightly.

Frank kissed her again, and Remus fake gagged. "That's enough lovebirds, its ten minutes until the reception."


James was speechless.

All of that waiting was worth it, he thought as he watched Lily being walked down the aisle by her muggle friend, Andrew or something like that.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Blah blah blah blah blah was all he heard the pastor saying, he was too entranced by Lily. She was breathtaking. His heart almost stopped.

"Do you, Jam-"

"Yes I do with all my heart," James said before he could finish.

"And do you, Lily Eva-"

"Yes forever and Always."

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may -"

James pulled her into one of the best kisses they would ever have. The Audience chuckled at the impatient couple.

"Kiss the bride," the pastor sighed, a bit annoyed.

The two lovers pulled away. As James opened his eyes, he swore he saw McGonagall slip a handful of galleons into Dumbledore's hand.

He didnt care though, not in the slightest. He kissed Lily again.

Evans was all his now, all his, and no one could ever take her away from him. Not his Evans.

Sorry, my mistake. She wasn't an Evans anymore, she was a Potter.

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