Chapter 15: Greg was never so blunt

Start from the beginning

When I finally got to leave I was stunned by what awaited me at the entrance gate. There stood Greg with Bella both facing me with the look of anticipation. "Oh hello there Connor," Greg greeted me as I strode to them. I raised my head to greet him and then bent down to fuss Bella. A medium sized blonde terroir, for some reason always pleased to see me even though shed been for a long walk already. I stood back up and leant against the wall, "What are you doing here Greg? You weren't waiting for me were you?" he let out a short high pitched laugh and then turned over his shoulder waiting for me to follow. "Well Connor," he said, "do you really believe that I would have anyone else to wait for?"

I threw my hands into my pockets, "Yeah I guess not," I responded. By this point we were walking towards my house. With a heavy yawn my words slurred, "So sick of these exams."

"Well they haven't even begun yet my friend," Greg laughed as if it was funny.

"How come you waited for me?" I bluntly asked.

"Well you are my best friend Connor. Practically my only friend," he looked down towards his strutting dog and continued his speech, "other than you of course Bella. It's just that I knew you had extra science today and that I would not want to do any more revising today; already having to re teach myself the whole of RS due to the new teacher having no idea what she is talking about. So to conclude, the heavy exam practise has meant that we spend so little time together after school anymore so I thought that it would be a nice chance to come and see you before it gets too-"

"Chaotic" I finished.

"Yes exactly. I will walk you home if you like?" he questioned as we stood at the traffic lights and he used his elbow to hit the button. A creepy way of avoiding catching a cold. Weird creature.

"Yeah of course mate. Speaking of having so little free time, I keep thinking about Guinevere. I miss her like mad." I confessed.

"Ah," Greg let out, "well we do not have a lot of time until the exams. You really should ask her before we have to-"

"Ask her what?" we crossed the road, walking as we spoke.

Greg raised the side of his mouth, "Connor, please just ask her out already".

What did he just say? Greg was never so blunt. Never had I ever known him to just come out and say, well anything. I had to look at his complex expression for a tad longer than I would usually. My best friend just told me to ask out a girl. I hadn't even considered it before, we almost kissed once and I confessed my love for her but I hadn't thought about asking her out. Can you just imagine if Gwen was my girlfriend?

"I don't know," I told him honestly, "I mean I would love that and she knows that I love her but as you said soon we'll be at college and then-"

"And then what?" he retorted, raising a brow in my direction.

"Well you know..."

"Actually Connor I think you will find that I do not 'know' because you are quite simply just making this harder than it needs to be because you are scared about what will happen. Do I stand corrected?"

I ran my hand through my hair avoiding the nots still at the crown, "I don't want to jump then fall".

Greg took my hand to stop me. I shifted my attention onto him as Bella looked up between us. He paced himself, "Do you want Gwen to be your girlfriend?" he questioned. My hand fisted beneath his as I whispered under my breath only just loud enough for him to hear, "Yes". He smiled towards me then took a step closer. "All you had to do was admit it to yourself," he taunted as if I were some dumb minded child.

I stood upright releasing my hand from his, "tomorrow" I stated, "tomorrow I will ask her out."

We high fived, well tried to. Greg missed my hand as I held it up and he missed for the second time. He then held up his hand and I missed it so in the end we settled for a hug. Full on hug. Snuggling tightly.

"I love you Greg" I told him in a flush of emotion.

"Oh, well I love you too Connor," he replied.

It was that point when I opened my eyes and two lads on these extremely small bikes went flying past, one of them being the lad from the science revision, "Oh look Connor and Greg are gay, I told you!" they both laughed as if being gay was a bad thing, which it isn't. Just I am not.

"Oh dude! I win, give me that £5" the other roared as Greg released me from his grasp.

"What on mother earth is that hooligan speaking about?" he questioned.

For the final time, I am not gay! Besides, this time tomorrow I'll have a girlfriend. I will ask Gwen out. I want Miss Colby to be my girlfriend. She'll say yes, just you wait!

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