"Yes, come in," she said, "he's in his room."

"Thank you..."

I greeted her and his sister before I walked upstairs, then to his room. I heard a lot of voices as I reached the top of the stairs. Walking towards Calum'd bedroom door, I placed my right ear on the door. Clearly, they were yelling.

"Luke, you can't do that to Cassidy!" yelled Calum.

"I have no other choice, Calum! I don't want to but it's the only way I won't break her heart!" yelled Luke.

"No, you could be together! You're just being selfish!" Calum yells back.

"Cal, do you think we want her to get hurt?" another voice pops out, the voice belonged to Michael.

"But Luke doesn't need to break up with Cassidy!" Calum yelled again.

"Calum, long-distance relationship doesn't work. Plus we'll be gone for almost a year!" yelled Ashton," She's like a little sister to me! I know where Luke is coming from but I don't know why you are acting like this! Cassidy isn't your girlfriend!"

Luke is breaking up with me? They're leaving?

"I'm leaving," muttered Luke.

"Luke, wait," said Calum.

Before I got the chance to move and hide, the door opened and Luke was in front of me. He stopped and stared at me, stunned, so were the boys behind him.


"When are you leaving?" I asked, cutting off Ashton.


"Just tell me when you guys are leaving?!" I asked, cutting off Michael.

"February third," mumbled Luke.

In three weeks. In three weeks, they were going to leave me without telling me? It was dead silence. Neither one of them spoke out, I was the only one carrying in this situation,  "When you guys going to tell me?!"

"Cassidy, we really wanted to but-"

"But what?"

"We didn't want to hurt you," said Calum, with a hurt expression written all over his face.

"Well, you guys already did," I said, "And I wouldn't be so surprised if you didn't tell Angelina as well."

"Cassie, please don't go." Luke pleaded, grabbing my wrist

I pulled my wrist away," Stop, you wanted to break up, so we're over Luke! Gosh, you guys are great friends!" I yelled sarcastically.

I ran out of Calum's house, running in the rain, it didn't stop me. The hard raindrops hit my skin, almost helping me forget the pain in my chest, they were going to leave without any explanation.

I run off to the only place I felt safe. It was the beach, I'm so glad that I didn't share this with anyone, it was a comfortable place for me, this one or anyone another one. The beach was closed but there were no gates, no security. I sat by a bench and released everything. I couldn't believe that they were leaving in weeks-

I threw the rock I held in my hand at the sand, slowly drowning itself due to rain drowned in the sand. They weren't going to tell me about this and I think I could've handled a long-distance relationship. No this [s all happening too fast, how come I didn't know any of this?

I don't remember how long I was there but I felt strong arms around me. My eyes shot wide open, jerking away and a familiar black hair stood in front of me.

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