The last moments of my life were well deserved, well deserved.

The guards talked me through everything in regards to executions. They don't just walk an inmate to the death chamber and execute them, they have to follow a policy step by step, hour by hour, minute by minute.

A month ago, another inmate had to face the firing squad. It's not an easy way to go but it's fast.

Prior to leaving death row and heading to the death house, I have to get searched by the guards; just to make sure that I'm not carrying a weapon of any form in order to commit suicide to cheat my execution.

"Alright wiggle your arms, hands, and I even want you to stick your tongue out," he demanded.

After being searched, they handcuffed me and escorted me out.

"Let's go Wright. This is the final twenty-four hours of your life," he spat "are you ready?"

The transport process is probably the best and only chance I had to escape, but it is the last time I'll see the light of the day.

The ride to the death house was about a forty five minute drive.


"Watch your step," he muttered while they continued to escort me inside.

There's enough guards shielding me to protect the President.

During my last week on death row, I was given a last meal request to give to the death row chef.

I didn't have the appetite to even decide on what I wanted my last meal to be because it's literally going to be my last meal, my last full meal on this Earth.

I finally decided to request a hamburger and fries because it's simple and was told that it's sort of "comfort food" for inmates.

But, I had to remind myself that I finally have the opportunity to eat a meal that I haven't eaten in years.

They continued to escort me into my private cell and slammed the doors shut. These doors are going to remain shut until it's time for the execution to take place.


"There's twenty-one hours left until execution," he said before walking away.

On my way to the death house, I was informed that my fans, friends, and family are crying their eyes out while protesting. That's love and I'm blessed beyond measures.

I met a Reverend who's playing a role in trying to keep me relaxed and calm, until it's time for me to die.

Everything that came out of his mouth went out the other ear. There's nothing he can say or do, that can keep me relaxed until they put me to sleep.


Approximately ten hours passed and it's now nighttime. Seems like time is speeding by and my execution date and death row sentence has made headlining news.

I couldn't sleep but I forced myself. I tossed and turned in this small ass bed with my hands in my pockets, wishing that this is just a bad nightmare.

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