We are expecting

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"Mmm" , I softly mumble as sunlight creeps into the room through the partly drawn blinders.

I turn to the opposite side in hope of sleeping a bit more. Instead a strong arm comes flopping and lands on my belly making me wide awake.Not that it was an unusual occurance.

He had an ancient habit of flogging his arms all over me and making me really angry.Only this time it makes me smile.

He is touching his unborn baby...in a way.His BABY...our baby. It has been quite a few hours since WE came to know about it but still I am far from acceptance.Not in a negative way.....just that this came a complete SURPRISE.

I had not expected him to be unsupportive but his reaction MOVED me. He left everything on me ....for me to decide..just me...not us. I knew for a fact he craved for a "family".His own family..kids.How he behaved around kids told me that. Even though he knew I would probably not have "HIS" BABY he supported me and I LOVED HIM for that.

"Babe"I heard him murmur close to my ear.

"Watcha thinking?"he asked again while pulling me close as his hand remained on the belly.

"Baby.About it.There is sooo much to see to.So much to make out.So much to tell.So much to not do.HOW WILL I MANAGE?"I say on the verge of tears.MAN this pregnanacy stuff is tough.I feel teary almost everytime.

"Not 'I' 'we'.We will manage it."he said while bolting straight up and then bending close near my belly.

"Hey baby.Hi.This is your daddy speaking.I don't know you yet but I love you with all my heart. The most...well probably less than your mother but more than anything else.I will do anything and everything to make sure that you are safe and happy.I know you do not feel or understand anything just yet...BUT YOU WILL...soon.Just remember.Daddy loves you.Mumma loves you and we are waiting for you."

I don't say anything but my tears do. Any insecurity or fear I felt before leaves me .I know he is here...for me...for US.


"Man i did not think this was going to be this tough"Virat said as he continued  walking in circles .

"Calm down"I tell him but in vain.And i know his behavior is not completely unjustified.Our parents are coming over and we are going to TELL THEM.

That they are going to be grandparents.(considering we are not married yet..but will be soon.Making this kid illegitimate of sorts)

That is enough to give anyone the creeps.

"Man.They will probably disown me.And what will they think of you and........"his bickering was cut short by the voice of the bell ringing.



They sat with perfectly calm faces enjoying and chatting amongst themselves unaware of the turmoil surrounding us .

"Mom, dad.Mummy papa.we have something to tell you"Virat chimed in between their jokes trying to get their attention.

"What is it son?"


"Tell us Anu?"

We both while clasping our hands together tried to muster up the courage to speak.

"Speak .Tell us."

"Mumma.You are going to be grandparents.We are expecting"

"What!"my father asked with  a stony expression.

"Papa.I am pregnant.And we are having this baby."

Ever face was still and for many seconds a chilly silence remained.

Virat's mother was the first one to speak.

"Daughter...mmm. I am happy for you two. If you two have decided to keep the baby no one could be more happy than me."

"Thankyou ma"Virat says in a really relieved voice.

Though I am happy for him I look expectantly at my parents.

"Anu"my father finally says"It is not a very wise thing to do ..have a baby...at this point of your career.But you must have thought about it. So...I am happy for you two. Angry at you for being careless...but happy.Because you are with him .And I will wait eagerly for my grand child "

I can not believe my ears as my mother comes and hugs me.My father joins soon and admist all this hugging I realize.......THEY ACCEPTED IT....WOA


We are all soon sitting together as I am pampered with love , care and tips from my mothers as Virat's is with my father discussing something.

"My only concern now is ...My first grandchild will be illegitimate..well in a way.I wish you were married.Would save you a lot of trouble"my mother says to me .

"Hey that's my kid.She (he said "she"!!!AWW) is anything but illegtimate. It's not that we will not get married.We will .....SOON.But...I dont know just how to go about it."Virat says looking angry.

My heart twists with a happy sort of pain at his words...his love for the baby....our marrige....WOA.

We all spend a lot of time talking and deciding how to...go about it.How to tell the world.

We all in our hearts know that in a country like India and  it's media I  will get hurt by all the remarks and comments.It is not that this has not happened to celeb before.I know he wants me to be safe from all that.

 COZ We know the consequences.

"Well I have an idea.If you promise me to get married in two months."my mother says.

"That we will.But what idea"

"Something that will make media suspect and think that you are married since long.That will make all of this rhyme correctly. What i mean is ...people will think that you  two are married since long and are forced to reveal your relationship because she is about to have a +1. "



HEYA PPL.wassup

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