You took my breath away

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Anushka'S P.O.V

"She's girl."


Although when Virat said these words I was pretty much playing along ,the choice of his words really sent a pleasant shiver down my spine .

The words had a sense of possessiveness and promise in them.

How i wished I had someone who could say something like this to me and make my day.

Really the only thing I feel deprived of at the moment is LOVE.

Ranveer's voice interrupted my train of thoughts .

"SO, you are with HIM?"

The words demanded an affirmative answer and were a ticket to me get rid of this sickening man whose mere voice made my soul cringe.

"Yes , Ranveer. With him. Now if you excuse me "I said extending my hand towards Virat who literally shaking took my hand .


He took my hand while his other hand snaked around my waist.I really was not shocked or angry.

I knew I have to make it believable for Ranveer otherwise he would not back off.

He literally was not moving away so I decided to make him.

I looked at Virat gently leading him towards the dance floor.

He understood.He removed his hand from my waist much to my relief and annoyance.

I started gently swaying to the music and and he followed.We kept dancing like this at a comfortable distance hoping it would be enough but Ranveer just stood there.

Seriously!!BACK OFF


I was here.Here dancing with Anushka for NO REASON .

Actually to help her get rid of her ex-boyfriend.

I could see that ranveer was not backing off .


I leaned towards her telling her to follow my lead.She agreed.Actually she had to.

I again (i was damn nervous) put my arm around her waist  and tugged her  little closer.

However good my intentions were my body was betraying me.

Her breathing hitched immediately as did mine.I continued dancing and my heart fluttering at the mere touch of her.

Anushka's P.O.V

I can say this man worked as a man- repellent and i could dance in peace but who was i kidding . I was really intrigued by him.


The deep bass from the speakers matched my heart .IT REALLY DID.

He suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and really slowly slided it down to reach for my hand.

Almost on a reflex my other hand moved and joined the first on the back of his neck while his other hand joined his first hand on my waist.

We looked into each other's eyes for what I'll say a lot of time.

I suddenly felt lost and a little too near this man.

I felt myself leaning and resting my head on his shoulder and can swear that he inhaled my scent as I did to him .

I stayed like for a minute too long when I realized he has left.


I separate myself from him rather rudely.

"Thankyou.VIRAT. Thankyou so much...I..."

"It's ok.I was pleased to help and thanks for the dance.You are a good dancer."

"You too .Dance nicely.You take...umm...took my breath away."

I mentally facepalmed myself on my goddamn answer and quickly added"UHMMM....You will , I mean ...I really hate him , he cheated on me.Thank you."

GOD!Have you like completely lost it ANUSHKA.........

He was really amazed and gave a smirk .

You did not!How dare you.

oh!I so hate you for the smirk VIRAT.

"That's ok. I get it.I gotta go now. Bye , Anushka.SEE YOU TOMMOROW."

He moved away and turned while my gaze followed this saviour.

He stopped and turned back sending me such a sweet and mischevious smile that my heart could not help but go "oh , why are you so nice"

"Take care, Anushka."


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