His "ex"...!!!

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"You can go now Akash", I told my driver  after he dropped me at Virat's place (which was becoming very frequent ) leaving me with two shopping bags to handle .

As I walked towards the elevator I wondered  if he would like the bulk of tee shirts I bought for him.Almost involuntarily a smile escaped my lips  as I remembered  the yester-night date in which he had worn a tee-shirt titled "Single again" and I had teased him mercilessly and also scared him by pretending to be angry.

A passerby who probably lived next to him smiled as she walked past me .Smiling back i realized I was a common face here now.Woa....this is pretty fast.

The door to his apartment was ajar taking me by surprise and i almost hesitantly walked in.he was not expecting me right now.

Pacing towards the room I heard  soft guitar notes and then him singing .HIM.

His voice breezed through the room and my heart began to beat in a fashion it had never before.


                                                      We keep this love in a photograph
                                                        We made these memories for ourselves
                                                       Where our eyes are never closing
                                                      Hearts are never broken
                                                  Times forever frozen still

                                                          So you can keep me
                                                           Inside the pocket
                                                             Of your rippe
d jeans
                                                           Holdin' me closer
                                                           'Til our eyes meet
                                                           You won't ever be alone
                                                       Wait for me to come home

I don't know what comes over me that moment but .........I fall for him that moment like never before.

I walk to room in an excited manner ready to hug him and tell him how lovely he sounds but it seems someone else is there.

Some girl sitting opposite to him with a radiant(FAKE) smile plastered to her makeup caked face as she praises him in a terrible accent.

No prizes for guessing that my blood curdles at this sight.

My own reaction surprises me to the extent that I have to stop  myself from  laughing .I stand there for moments unnoticed (standing to there back) and am absolutely convinced by their little conversation I overheard(HELL NO) that this is a friendly talk atleast from his side.

About the girl, I am much less sure.

Every time her hand reaches  out for his arm I feel like ripping her arm off .(I am not a violent person..generally)

Her smiles and innocent touches are  really making me feel nauseous and before I kill her I decide to do exactly what I decided to do earlier.Tell him how nice he played the guitar and give him a big hug...IN FRONT OF THIS BITCH.

"Hey that was nic........I did not know we had company"I said announcing my self in as if i had just entered (I am a damn good actor).

Both heads turned immediately.....one with a warm smile that sends tingles throughout your body and another with a frown plastered on it.

His face shows no hesitation as he climbs out of the chair unstraddles the guitar and gives me a big bear hug .

"hey...you here so soon .What's in the bag ?"he said taking the bag away without a moment of hesitation.

"Oh...shoot canceled.These ...umm are for you."

He face darts up and he gives a big smile as he rummages through the bag telling me how nice are these and how much he loves the quotes on them.

I am conscious  of a cold darting  glance on my back and soon he remembers too.

"Hey ...I forgot.This is Amelia , Anushka.Amelia you know her already.This is my friend amelia."

I turn around and give her the fakest smile i can manage as she offers me a handshake.

God i hate this woman.


As we stood  in the kitchen(without that bitch) trying to make coffee as he spoke at length about how much he liked the shirts and that "I'm taken" tee shirt is what he will wear tonight.

I smile at his childish comments but I am furious .Before i can think , I speak.

"Who is she, exactly?"

The question was supposed to be breezy and general and it does come out like that too bUt he knows better.

It could be anything ranging from my tone to my ..i dunno expression.BUT he knows.

He steps close and brushes his fingers softly on my shoulder and tells me what is supposed to.

"She is my ex ANUSHKA.We went out quite a few times but it did not work out.We remained friends , good friends.She stops by every now and then.She is my dietitian too. I hope you dont mind her.I...am sorry."

All this while stands there unblinking and I am taken aback.Not by the fact that she is her ex but his sincerity. 

I smile and tell him "It is ok....i was ...leave it.So what were you telling me about being taken.Can i  kiss you?Would your girlfriend mind?"

He smiles at my joke and keeps the banter on.

"Ma'am you are standing too close.I...She will kill you most probably."he says while laughing.

"Am i ? Lets see ."I say in a challenging  tone as i brush my lips slightly against his.Clearly not expecting this he stumbles back lightly but soon regains composure.Pushing me lightly against the  refrigerator and  claims my lips as the containers inside the fridge join in a hue and cry.

He kisses me like never before and soon his hand travel up my waist slightly brushing against the bare skin beneath my top.His hand stills there as he separates himself  from me guiltily eyeing the floor .

Still breathless i ask him"Why did you stop?"

Maybe that was the last time i said anything in the whole evening because it was better spent on kissing him and cuddling with him.

"Were you jealous of her , Anushka?




Also please WATCH ADHM.....love u all :) 

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