Flying kisses and paper hearts

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Just a month ago if someone had told me that  I would be sitting in a V VIP lounge in  Jamaica watching a cricket match especially for a man I had barely known for a few days  I would have probably  laughed it off or even told the person he has lost a few of his nuts BUT here I was.

Here , right in the public risking a lot of unnecessary publicity just for HIM.

Just because he asked me to.

Truthfully speaking I know the game.I used to play it back in my childhood with my Army School friends.And by the virtue of that limited knowledge I know he plays real good.He really does.

It has been nearly a hour since he has been on the field and I all could I do since then was pray that he gets on strike pretty soon.I love seeing him play(although it is barely an hour or so when I first watched him play).He is so good with the bat.Dude, he does run like Ussain Bolt on field.

It has been raining fours and sixes , literally.He is really serious when he plays unlike his boyish grinning usual self.

I am rudely pushed out of my cold stare on the screen (he is really hot in his jersey) when my phone rings.

Damn.Who is it now , i mutter to myself only to find it is my manager.


"hi, Anushka"

"Hioo.You are calling is it not supposedly your sleeping time?"I asked innocently whereas in my heart I know why did she call.She is a big cricket lover,A big one.No doubt she has seen me , by now.Of  course it is not daily that in a match happening in Jamaica a Bollywood actress attends the match resulting in the camera being on my face all the time.

Double ugh.

"You know  a crazy thing ,Anushka.I think I just saw you  in the cricket match .It is not you , right?"

Of course.This is what you get to fall for the wrong guy.Great, now answer her.

"Yup.It's me .Umm..."

He has hit a six(a huge one) and is now batting at 96.(damn , he is good)

"WOHOOO"comes a voice from the other end.

"Did you just see that.You did .na.He is really good  "Arushi says .

Of course , I did.And hot too.

"yes..So you called?"

"To ask what are you doing there .You dont watch cricket remember ?"

"I do now"and as my lips says NOW almost in sync the hot and gorgeous guy who is back on strike  swerves his bat on the right hitting the ball hard.My eyes follow the ball on the field till it touches the boundary.

OMG.His century.

The whole stadium Breaks into a series of thunderous applause and hooting while everyone stands.I do too with my phone still in my hand.

"I'll call you later"I say abruptly and cut the call putting the phone back in the handbag.

I can see how much this means to him. He takes of his helmet and kisses it.


I stand there clapping wildly when I realize he has turned towards where i am sitting and I know he is going to do it.

oh shit.

I really thought he meant none of that, sincerely.Although a part of me is foolishly happy at the prospect  and another part, the more insecure one is thinking if it is a good idea.

I really can not pan out my reaction before he does it.Lifting his bat towards his lip he kisses it and blows it in my direction.

I am unable to do anything more than clasping my hands together as tears start to appear in my eyes which I force back in.Because i have to.With every screen showing your face (and his to) the actress inside you has to resurface. I stand there all shaken up .

He stands there like that for a few more seconds before turning back .

He has really  done it. I am in awe of this guy, really

My phone rings again and I pick it.(it's her again)

"ANUSHKA.What the fuck was that? He  fly-kissed , YOU?"she screeched from the other side

"Yes, me"I confess.

Why do I have a feeling this is going to change my life forever..


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ALso did u guys see the trailer of "ae dil hai mushkil"IT IS AWESOME.

Our favorite Anushka is looking so cute .Her lehenga.It is so beautiful.Wondering what would Mr. Virat think of it 



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