Life Before US-2

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Anushka's P.O.V

" I know" i muttered under my breath as my Mom continued lecturing me for what seemed like a LOT of time.

"anu beta , you have to realize that you are a celeb. It does not work like that with you people. People know everything you do or say. Relationships then become even harder to cope up. Now you  promise me never to date another celeb because the supposed outcome will be just like what with know how negatively HE affected you.NOT ANOTHER CELEBRITY I TELL YOU."

"But mommy...... We were ok(i'm unsure) .It is just that .."I tried protesting but couldn't really  come up with a reason as to why it did not work out if stuff was REALLY ok.

H e and I were really never OK. We never seemed to make an "US"...

"Anushka , be careful with your life, A wrong relationship can not only ruin your life but also your career. Something you  are proud of. " she said moving from the sofa looking at me"

 "ok ma"I said . I understood .

I know what makes her worried . So maybe not a celebrity now , or ever.

"Hmm", i say to myself " that is going to be tough"and walk to the balcony , my favourite corner of the house.

I look towards the sky and then the Mumbai suburbans and wonder " where is my MAN  now "
," what would he be doing ".

I wonder if there really is a man who is willing to have this maddening woman for life and bear with her.

i wonder if there really is SOMEONE.

I wonder if there really is a "forever relationship".

I wonder if there really is Trust.

I wonder if there really  is Love...................

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