I Am Sure...

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"So ? "she said looking enquiringly at my side whilst her her left hand clasped mine as we sat on the edge of a huge rock by the beach.

How exactly did we come to this place is a question to me too.One minute we decided on shopping and were quietly buying the most nonsensical of stuff and the very next thing that I am able to recall while staring at her unusually attractive face is us walking hand in hand to this beach . Damn, i don't know what do i do half the time when i am around her.

For the past ten minutes this is what has happened .We have sitting here saying nothing to another .Just silently holding hands and looking a  the beautiful stretch of sea in front of us .Just this.

"So?"she says again,"what are we again?"

Finally.This had to come sooner or later specially if have not talk about what went on yesterday.And she is not the only one who has this question.I am confused too.Along with the hundred and fifty  people who have called me since the stunt i pulled off yesterday(which i don't regret at all).

I reflect at the question for a moment or two  and make up my mind .This is what I have to do.

"I'll tell you."I say  and get up while pulling her with me and leading her off the rock.Good lord, she is highly atheletic.

I lead her to the shoreline and do what i have to.Bending on a knee I take her hand and before i can say a word she says while giggling madly"Are you going to ask me to marry you?"

I smile and reflect on her expression.Everything is so serene around her and with her.God I love this girl...oops

"No;Not yet.All in good time.For now, please be my girlfriend.I know we are a  highly unusual pair but ...I wanna be with you.everything is so sorted out and yet complicated around you .owing to our professions stuff will always be difficult for us.150 calls when I have only started to ...ummm...like you.It will always be tough but maybe with you it will be bearable.Plus you are the most beautiful mess ever .EVER,Please be my girlfriend."

She stares at me all through it  smiling and  the first thing after getting out of her trance is"You wrote that down ,did you?".Pulling me by my hand she encircles my arms with her slim arms and embraces me in  a warm , loving  hug.

"Of course, I will.Anything for you now...anything."she mumbles against my ear in a soft  strained voice and with that I pull her even closer.

"It's going to be tough ,you know that ,right?"I say still not leaving her and she responds by gently stifling out of my embrace and looking straight into me(through me , if i am accurate).She kisses  me very gently and finally says "I know.That is what will make it work.It will be..fun"

As I walk on the sand with her close to my side I know this is it .This is what was missing in my life .

"What are you thinking, Virat.?"she asks looking at me as her pale skin glistens beautifully against the sunlight.I reach out for her shoulder and grazing it gently i tell her "You know , for the first time in a long long time I am sure"

She smiles back  and gently pinches my nose.Suddenly  her relaxed face stiffens up as she looks beyond my  shoulder and says"I think we have been photographed.."



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LOVE U TILL THE ENDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ