You have changed stuff

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"I think we just got photographed",I told him looking beyond his shoulders as soon as I recognized a flash nearby,and of course i know those.I practically live around cameras ..DUH

But him, his expression changes in a heartbeat .He instantly pulls me by his side rather protectively(not that I mind) and says something which you would never ever expect to have the effect which it had to me ,an adrenaline rush.

"Anushka, I guess we need to run"

I am taken aback by even the idea.Why should the fuck we run away?

Is he ashamed of me in some way?

Of course not,IDIOT. The stadium, remember???

And finally it hits me.He to any sensible onlooker proposed me( coz the proposal was like a "wil u be my gf" proposal instead it strikes you In the marriage sense which is kinda normal)and i kissed him which a sort of yes. So unless I want to risk any further publicity running away is a great option .Wait,....ONLY option.

I would love to praise him on his presence of mind and since I lack the time to do so ,all I do is taking up his his offering hand and run.Like really if all other ruling senses have abandoned me at the exact same moment.

We run like KIDS.Hand in hand .

We keep running like madman till one of those road tram thingies are visible and we gladly climb into it.

Climbing into it the first thing we do is fall off on the floor gasping for breath like we have run a freaking marathon.Actually, we have.We sit like that for a few more seconds when something gets into this guys head and he starts laughing,real hard.

Literally rolling with laughter.

After I few really confusing minutes the infectious laughter gets into me and I cant help but join him.And by join him i mean join him in rolling on the floor of a freaking public transport like you have lost your screws.

I think we have??

Soon sanity strikes us(him first) and helps pick myself up and soon assists me in cleaning the crap out of my hair.I bet it looks like a garbage house.

He is working on the frontal strand of my hair(quite sincerely) when he stills .his fingers trail on the strand of hair gently tucking it on the side of ear.He is standing really close but not looking me in the eye .


"You know , Anushka I have spent all my adult life trying to avoid any extreme emotion. Yet you . . . you bring out feelings in me that are completely alien. It's very . . ." He frowns, grasping for the word. "Unsettling. "I like control, Anushka , and around you that just"—he stands, his gaze which is (now meeting mine)intense— "evaporates. It is very difficult to grow up without someone to talk to about how you are feeling.I never had a person I could trust with my feelings.Not one.So I learned to avoid emotions , be in control.You have...changed it"

I stand there dumbfounded looking at the man standing in front of me.I had never expected him to be like vulnerable. And this vulnerable self broke my heart.It really did.

What he said was ...a sweet kind of pain. It made me cry and yet told me what I was probably beginning to mean to him.Same as me.I looked at the man in front of me and realised ,he was broken , and the man who just bared it in front of me.

As tears start to appear in my eyes I envelope him into a hug straddling him in my arms as tight as i can to show him I mean it too.I mean it.


10 hours later

We are looking expectantly at the phone to ring up any moment .A phonecall to tell us exactly what has been clicked .it is funny if you watch us like this, holding hands and saying nothing.NOTHING.


I gingerly pick up the call and at the other end is answering my manager Arushi.

"Are you two, getting fucking married?"she shouts and I literally nearly drop off my phone which is on loudspeaker.


We look into each other's eyes and we know now.We know what pictures have been taken.

Great..Now what the fuck do we do??



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