What is happening to me??

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"LoOk everyone arrived.MOVIE TIME " said Ajinkya enthusiastically as Mahi bhai walked in. Of course he is normally never late but Sakshi is visiting so.......goes without saying "Family time"

It is a ritual for us as a team to watch a movie or play some "other" game after a match.

It is really something we look forward to but today I did not want to go there altogether.I was really pre-occupied with my own set of problems.

Namely. ANUSHKA.

That girl. Ugh.

What is she doing to me without actually doing nothing??

I mean I kissed her.

I did. And she too.

And this was supposed to end it all.

I really thought that once I kiss her this carnal feeling which sweeps me when I am near her shall pass.

Did it?


I instead have spent the last two hours avoiding human contact(as if that worked , remember ROHIT) and thinking 'bout her.

Which is why I am here.

What is happening to you?

"Hmm...guys whose turn it is to select a movie??" Yuvraj asks and we look enquiringly at each other.


"Captain America"

"NO....Superman "

"No.....fault in our stars?"

"ARE YOU INSANE.....nothing romantic for the love of god...." I cried and every eye turned towards me with a pair gleaming extra brightly.

Rohit jumped upon the opportunity too gladly , "Why is that Virat? Did you just have a break up? Or did you....."

"NO" I shouted.Here I am not even in the vicinity of being in a relationship and Rohit .......UGH.

That was settled soon enough when I had answered a thousand questions from everyone.

"Okay" shouted Mahi bhai.

"I'll decide"

This was enough to make us all quite...very quite.

"Ok. A hindi movie because we have never seen one together, which one that ...Rohit you tell"

"Umm.......what about Ladies vs Ricky Bahl" he said gleefully.

"Ok"everyone cried in unision including me.

We all settled down on the beds and the couches when I turned and asked "What movie is it?"

"So, you don't know "


"Huh...you shall see"

The movie started and I recognized parineeti chopra and Ranveer straight away.


His movie...hmmm

15 minutes later I dozed off..and that was ....you shall see.

As I opened my eyes everyone was attentively glued to the screen with some club scene going on.

I rose myself and sat down.

Shit, I had slept through most of it.

I looked more closely at the screen to see Anushka and Ranveer dancing together.


When did that happen...

I looked more attentively and could feel Rohit staring my way...YES YES...I saw her.

I was about to move out of the couch when that happened.



I steadied. I froze and all the warmth left my cheeks.

I was fucking mad .

The way they kissed really was......REAL.

And I hated that.

The way she was looking at him was....like love.

She loved him.

Maybe....still does.

My brain responded quicker this time.

Are you mad virat.

Remember the party.

He cheated on her.

She wanted him to stay away.

She kissed you back.

She wanted that too.


But why am I hoping anyway?

Why do I want her so bad?

And then I remembered our kiss.

I heaved .

Before I could be more insightful rohit announced "This week's special announcement....oh come on listen everyone. You will treat me later..Virat kohli is in love.UHH..... And guess the girl? Hints are as follows - A tall girl, beautiful hair as virat calls them, actress and she was  in the movie we saw .......Any takers??........He loves Anushka Sharma....And here the blush comes .."

Huh?....WAIT WHAT.....I LOVE HER??


With that 12 pairs of eyes turn towards me and I feel my cheeks reddening with immediate effect as I began to search for a plausible lie.

"I dont.....umm.....stop freakin lying...i dont love her"

"But you almost kissed her at the airport?"



So screwed you are Virat

And all because of one girl...


I am loving the idea .............are u ppl too....Tell me what do u think.



I do love feedback.

And little bit of request .......   KEEP LOVING VIRUSHKA ..they r ADORABLE

LOVE U TILL THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now