i am jealous!!

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"Jealous and me?"she said bolting straight up and turning around with an angry jerk.


"Umm...yes you are.I can see it in your eyes.You were to eager to see her go.Yes, of course I observe stuff .Don't be, babe . She is was a long time ago."

I suspect seeing a hint of relief in her eyes but of course not  a moment longer.

"I was not jealous,not at all.I was just .....um.Hey it is not that I dont trust.I do that a bit more  than  I might be comfortable with.It is just  that..."

Oh.She trusts me .

"Hey..you say as if it is a bad thing.Plus I would never be jealous .I am pretty sure."

She stepped closing the distance between us  and bending a little just to reach her lips over my ear and whispering(really seductively) against it "You will be jealous .I mean it."

However turned on might that make me my brain managed to give a reply .

"challenge accepted"



"Ready when you are."she told me softly as i held her her hands firmly while entering the restaurant where we were to meet my team and close friends over there.

To say i was looking at anything else except her would be really a Big lie.I was oogling at her .Imagine.Oogling at my own girlfriend.

A guy passed by us looked  at her in probably the  same way as me but i did not sympathise  with him, AT ALL.

"Yes, she is mine and you cant have her."I mentally told him and pulled her closer to my frame looking and trying to process how the hell did I get this girl.

Much before I realized her we had reached the table and I being absent - minded did not realize that.

"Virat, she is not going to run away.Why are you holding her so close?"asked Jaddu grinning.
"Huh?"I said jumping back to consciousness and realizing indeed she was pulled too close(for this place atleast).

" Look at him.He is bloody  not in his senses."said Mahi bhai grinning while look at her.

I turned to her side realizing her cheeks were all red under at least 15 pair of  scrutinizing   eyes.

Nevertheless , she smiled and greeted everyone.

Very soon we had all settled in and the hint of awkwardness was  long gone .We were now surrounded  my funny  anecdotes  and secret-reveal sessions.

My teammates sitting close by me and well out of her earshot  went on from calling her "Anushka" to "bhabhi" making me fume and blush at the same time.

We were in the middle of an episode of me getting in fight with Faulkner while a guy approached Anushka and in an almost knowing manner put a hand on her shoulder.

Usually when people approach us while we are on an outing we  gently refuse interactions but this one time she turned around and a gleam came on her face as  he mouthed the words"babe " making my blood curdle.I was really short of any response I knew my face showed that too.

"hey"she said and stood up to greet an obviously familiar  person and hugged her warmly.

Jaddu gently  nudged me obviously to question  but I was too busy fuming.

As if on a cue,  the guy put a his hand on her waist while she laughed at something he told her.

The giggling continued and so did my fake smile whilst I swore that if the guy touches her waist again I am going to stab him with my fork.

After almost an eternity she turned around and said"hey everyone...this is my old friend Arun .Arun, you know everyone .And this is....um.."

"Hey , I know that.Hi virat.He does not need to say a word .It is written on her face."the bastard said with a genuinely sweet smile on his face as he we shook hands.

They continued talking for while through which I continued gripping my fork even harder and the grip loosening only when he seemed like leaving.

"Anyways, Anu (HE CALLED HER ANU!!) I should get going.Bye everyone , nice meeting you"

"Bye.Call me man.You always forget to."she said giggling .

With a crisp "sure" he left and soon Anushka excused herself to go to the restroom.

Any other day , I had not reacted like that but NOW, it was immaterial.

Making a plausible excuse for leaving the table so soon after her was difficult but i did.

I saw her turn towards an alley which led to the rest room and I followed her very soon  was close enough to pull her by her wrist and cling her against the wall.

"Virat....What the fuck is this?"

"Who was ....that guy?"

"Hey...what.Friend , Virat.Friend.What is it Virat?"

"I...-"I tried speaking but could not reason with myself.Exactly.What is it.

"I ...- was jealous"I confessed.

"Why?...we are just.."she began speaking but I was keen on stopping her ..with a kiss.

A kiss in a deserted corner near a washroom ....is HIGHSCHOOLISH.

She is initially hesitant but gives in soon and not a few moments later we are on a full on make out session.

As i stoop low for her neck a pretended cough comes from behind and we see a grinning Mahi bhai sitting over there with his arms crossed.

Shit.(i wanted more )


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