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I sit leisurely in the balcony looking at the setting sun .  Non-Match days are the only days when I actually feel like a normal person.

Apart from the fact that i am missing her badly I am fine.I smile faintly at the song playing in the sitting  room reminding me of the times when she tried her hand at singing and ended up cracking me up.She used to get offended but would soon give up the  act.

She is such a kid sometimes.


I hear her shouting from the main door itself and giggle at her absurd habit.

"Anu! In here babe."I say still lounging in the chair .She runs right inside running into almost every piece of furniture   she could find.

"Anu! When are you going to behave humanely.walk properly.You will hurt yourself."

"Sorry VEE! Never again.I swear."she said making an adorable puppy face.

Despite being genuinely annoyed by this habit her cute face did melt me .I pecked gently on her lips forgiving her.

"Are you feeling better now?"I asked her while stroking her forehead.She has been unwell for the past week and it has driven me crazy.

"No Vee. I keep feeling nauseous and tired.I guess it is food poisoning."

"Me too babe.Though it would be better if you see a physician. You are free right?Go change.I'll take you ."

"No Vee . I am tired."

"No you are not.Go change.Wear something comfortable and come along."

She frowns but gives in soon.Walking away she manages to run into a table again making me  smile.



When will she stop behaving like  a child.


"So Miss Sharma how do you exactly feel?"the doctor asks her while she sits there  with a "I AM NOT INTERESTED " expression plastered on her face.

"Umm...lemme see. I feel nauseous.Tired.Sick. I can't eat anything."

"Oh.Anushka accompany me to the adjoining room please. Mr. Kohli  you wait here."

Hey.What did I do?

I sit back pretty relaxed hoping everything is alright with her.I care for her way too much.

In all these years the one thing I have learned is that she is an essential part of me.We've fought amongst ourself , with others and all that couple crap but we have NOT given up.

I am  busy looking at the immaculate surroundings and wondering if we can eat Chinese  today (I soon realize i would be the one to decide coz she is not well anyways).I extend my hand to inspect a paperweight when the doctor comes back with a stoned expression on her face.


"Yes mam.What is it?"i say trying to look relaxed while i freak out.What's the matter?Is she ok?

"Mr Kohli.Are you aware that your girlfriend is pregnant?"







Anu is pregnant.

"wow"is all i can manage and the look on that doctors face is what makes it clear.She knows the surprise.

"You can see her"she tells me in a grim manner.

Almost in a daze I walk into the room trying to ,.......UNDERSTAND.

She is sitting there gazing out of the window into the night as she clutches the bedsheet.

"Anu"I call her and she turns back looking and smiling faintly.


I  rush to her side and sitting next to her provide all the support i can manage.

"It..I dont know man.How.....This is your decision Anu.It is on you .You decide .We both are in the  most important phases of our career.So I would understand and support whatever you do."

"I know"she says softly.

"Anushka.It is on  you.Do you want the baby........"

She cuts me short and says what changes OUR life forever.

"I want it.The baby."

"WHAT?"I shout in surprise.

"I want the baby.I wanted a since long.I wanted it with you.I have a chance now.And plus the few minutes I have spent with this realization I knew I could not do away with this baby.I could not , SIMPLY because it is a part of you,of US."

I notice her tears and soon realize that I am crying too.

She hugs me warmly  and mumbles something which i cannot catch.

"What did you say babe?"

"Soon -to-be-DADDY!"

I kiss her forehead and hug her tightly as it sinks in .

We are going to be parents.

i am going to be a fATHER!



hey people .Sorry for the late update.Was busy.

Plz vote.

Plz comment.


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