The kiss...

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I yanked myself outside the reach of Ranveer as soon as the magic words resonated in my ear.

Such a relief.

Ranveer for the past few days has been as I'll call it "much less interfering" which was such a relief ,courtesy to a man whom I have been aching to meet.

I truly have.

It has been a few days since I last "jumped into him". "Fell into his arms "to be accurate.

I know I had left him dangling but I knew it was for the best.

I had too see if really it was destiny playing it's cards otherwise how is it humanely possible to always , ALWAYS be falling into his arms and bumping unceremoniously into him. I had to understand why did he affect me the way he did.


I knew he wanted to kiss me and would definitely have had but for Rohit's interference.

And me??

I did not mind the idea.


And now, I am really dying to see him.

I am.

Because some things are better NOT left undone. Not a kiss at least.

"Anushka, we are all going for the valentine week party at a nearby resort. Care to join?"asked Ranveer with his infectious smile.

That smile WAS infectious. I smiled too and agreed .

However bitter stuff has been between us we have once been really good friends and the professional inside me refused to dramatize events any further . Which being the reason for me signing this film in the first place. We agreed to meet at the decided place in the evening and proceeded towards the hotel too take a quick
(little more than quick) Nap and then get dressed .

While travelling back home on opening instagram I realized it was "kiss day"

Here is that word again.

I being valentine less (and Virat-less) can not hope to get a kiss today atleast .


It sucks being single really does.


"So, Anushka , I heard the Indian cricket team is here for the matches with West Indies."

"Yes it is.."I said trying to understand where was Ranveer driving at although my  subconsious had a teeny weeny bit of idea.

It did.


"Are you not meeting him? Or going to see a match. "

" , I mean yes I will meet him , TODAY after this party with you guys" I said signalling towards the AD he was now going out with.

"Oh, I see." he said as if he really understood. But i knew. He  was doubtful over us and within this one week all our conversations were centered around him.

I avoided telling answers and he guessed it alright.

I know now whatever was being asked and said was out of mere curiosity  .

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