Please was very entertaining

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"Count me in."I told her while entwining our fingers .Of course I will.Meet her friends , HELL YEAH. She lazily put her head on my shoulder and stifled a yawn. "Tired?"I asked stroking her chin .

"Always"she replied half-smiling."You have some songs to play ,right?"

"Of course, I have.I dont know if you will like 'em though"U said and signaled Anirban to switch on the music player.

"It's you.I'll like it.No need to even think 'bout it"she said sleepily nudging even closer and sending warm tingles all over my skin.

As the car sped through the Mumbai sub-urban and Bon Jovi's "hallelujah" played she soon fell asleep but not before mumbling a "you smell nice" and sending Anirban into a series of pretended coughs.


1:45 am

At a later point of time in the night I realized I am ogling at my girlfriend .

A pretty weird thing to do, right?

Watching the hypnotic rise and fall of her chest and I'm breathing in sync with her. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. For seconds, minutes, hours, I don't know, I watch her. And while she sleeps I survey every beautiful inch of her lovely face. Her dark lashes fluttering while she sleeps, her lips slightly parted so I glimpse her even white teeth. She mutters something unintelligible and her tongue darts out and licks her lip making her look irresistible.

After doing that for a lot of time I decide to let it go and sleep but not before allowing myself one last glance at her relaxed face.Finally I fall into a deep and dreamless slumber.

9:00 am

I wake up and after being momentarily surprised by there being a sleek arm entangling mine, i remember


Turning back i look at her angelic face still sleeping while here hair is tousled in an enticing way .I move back the hair from her pretty face and decide not to wake her up."She was too tired yesterday", I tell myself.

Time to take a shower now.



As my eyes flutter and open I am momentarily shaken by the fact that i am in an unknown surrounding.After taking a sec to sit up and think I remember .His house.


Almost involuntarily a shy smile escapes my lips as i move out of out of the unmade bed and the comforter that smells of him.

Where is he?

I walk around the apartment searching for him and noting that it does indeed look like a bachelor's pad.

Jim equipment everywhere , lots of sports memorabilia and music Cd's everywhere.

Typical him.

I walk towards the kitchen and observe a music player nearby which i switch on.

Bailando....hmmm....I like this one.

Inside the kitchen there is a lot of mess which in am not surprised by.Finding coffee to make takes me full ten minutes .After finally finding it i dish out a utensil and decide to make toast for us both as i am really hungry .

The music thumping against my ears (i L O V E the song) I cant help but swerve to it's beat as i slice the bread and put it in the toaster.

Continuing to dance I make the coffee and as i turn around to fish out two mugs to serve them in I see him .Sitting on the dining table in a little too much relaxed manner while his eyes are transfixed on me.

My mouths opens in horror and the toast is on the verge of falling down from the plate when he half grins stating"Please continue....It was very...entertaining"

He slowly guides himself out of the chair and moves in a dangerous pace towards mine .Soon he joins me near the kitchen counter .Still grinning he lifts up my chin and sealing his lips with mine with first a soft kiss and then a kiss of such fervor which makes me feel like swooning.

It does.

Slowly pushing me against the kitchen cupboard he continues kissing me while his hands travel to my waist.

I am a few moments short of fainting when the doorbell interrupts us. Rather reluctantly he leaves me and goes to the door leaving me there, half panting-half surprised.

Few seconds later he returns running full speed.

His usually relaxed and charming face is all tensed up as he mouths the words"Bhai(brother).He is here."

Uh ..oh


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