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"Is that how it works? You just say the word and I appear?" Beyonce said into the phone as she pulled up the warehouse and stopped her car.

"Yeah, it's something like that but not quite." Ahmad said.

Beyonce gasped cutely. "Oh well you're gonna have to explain this one to me because I don't understand it."

"I'm just saying, we both know that we have a good time together so you might as well stop saying no. That's all I'm saying. Just take the word out of you vocabulary every time you hear my name."

Beyonce laughed. She had been talking to Ahmad all morning. He'd called just as she was leaving her house. They'd been out once and she discovered that she loved his conversation. It was refreshing since she only spent time with her female friends, the same two at that. Sitting and talking to a grown man was nice. "Oh so you just got it like that hunh?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Whatever Ahmad. On that note I'm getting off the phone."

They said their goodbyes and Beyonce hung up. She checked her makeup and hopped out of the car. Heading towards the big building with moving trucks parked outside. She went into one of the open shipping docks and up the stairs, unnoticed by anyone which was cool and odd at the same time. She could see the beginnings of a store already. She was proud even though they weren't her blood brothers and she'd promised Debra she would peak in and make sure they were alright.

She spotted Tom holding a clipboard and pointing to some things around the room standing with a mover. She tiptoed in her brown leather heels and came up behind him. Beyonce cutely covered his eyes with both her hands and his words stopped in his throat. It was a tough job since all the damn Carter men were so damn tall but she managed to not giggle and hold her own.

"Soft ass hands," he murmured playing along. "If this is a woman, how about dinner later on?"

Beyonce laughed and dropped her hands. Tom turned around and looked genuinely pleased to see her. "Beyonce!" he said hugging her. "How you doing girl?" He smiled at her after their embrace and Beyonce was glad their family was so loving. It was like seeing an old relative. He nodded to the guy he'd been talking to. "I'll get with you later on this man. My family just showed up."

Beyonce warmed at the words. "So what are you doing here? Where's Jamie?" he asked looking around her.

"I'm here to support my favorite set of twins and Jamie is with her father."

"My mom made you promise?" he asked in a knowing manner.

Beyonce shook her head with a smirk. "Three times."

They laughed and Tom stepped back to look at her and the first thing that came to his lips made Beyonce burst out laughing. "My brothers a fucking idiot."

She grinned and held his hand as he viewed her retro blue, shirt dress was perfect for her legs. And low cut buttons with her brown waist belt. Her hair was having one of those days where you wake up and wonder what the hell you're gonna do with it and then you decide nothing and it turns out cute. It was a curly mess atop her head and her only control over it was an occasional sweep of her fingers through it to keep it out of her face.

"Thank you Tommy," she said, blushing and using his endearing family name before she realized it. When he didn't correct her or even act surprised that she'd said it she felt even more like he was family.

"I'm serious. I have half a mind to find his and whoop his ass. You look good girl."

"Thank you dear. Where is-?"

She didn't even get to finish. A loud voice echoed brazenly throughout the room. "Oh Lawd!" he said behind her and Beyonce turned around to grin at Tim as he made his entrance. He took off his shades and peered at her comically. "I know that ain't my baby momma!"

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