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Beyonce felt like a giant red spot in the middle of an all white party. She was the only female there that looked like she was over 120 pounds. Every other woman looked like a Barbie doll. She wanted to choke Shawn for convincing her to come out looking like this. She should have stayed home. He was gonna get it.

But of course, he had conveniently disappeared and left her to find fend for herself while he and some accountant named Mike talked to some guy that worked for Nike. She was standing alone while Jamie Foxx himself stood on the small but elaborate stage and preformed 'She Got Her Own' with Ne-Yo right beside him. Beyonce was so excited to be by all of these famous and important people but she was way too shy to talk to any of them. Hell, it took her months to talk to Shawn.

She sipped the coke she had ordered from the waiter and looked around again, taking in the expensive nature of her event. It was a party but no one danced. This was purely for networking. She was watching ht live performance when someone approached her side. "Hey," the intruder said.

Beyonce smiled at the short, thin Asian woman and took in her appearance. She looked very rich, like everyone there including herself, and very proud life everyone there except her. "You must be with the rookie. John."

"Shawn?" Beyonce corrected in a question manner. "Yeah, I am."

The Asian smiled a little sincerely. "My bad. Me and my big mouth. I'm Miko . The running back is my husband."

Beyonce couldn't believe how skinny she was. She looked beautiful and thin. "Oh. Nice to meet you I'm-."

She didn't get to finish. "Oh girl I see someone I know. I'll get with you later ok?" Miko grinned perkily and brushed her hair with her fingers, flicking it and walking away.

The hair hit Beyonce's face with full force. She blinked and whimpered, attempting to open her eyes again. She felt an itchy pain in her left one and closed her eyes once more. "Aw," she moaned to herself. Beyonce, being conscious of her makeup, fanned herself with one hand while she held her coke in the other.

She felt familiar calloused hands touch her face and she whined almost immediately. "Baby, I got something in my eye."

Shawn tilted her head up. "Let me see," he said but she shook her head and whimpered. "Baby open it."

"It hurts," she said quietly with a grimace on her face.

"Look up," he said. Beyonce did as she was told and blinked against the small intruding object before looking up. She felt his breath on her face and blinked her eyes when tears started to form in her eyes. She blinked the salty water back naturally and eventually the small piece of hair was washed behind her eye to be disposed of properly.

'She must bat her eyelashes and call for him cutely to save her when she's gotten something in her eye.'

She blinked a few more times and opened her hazel globes completely to look at him. Shawn was smiling lazily while he watched her cope with her issue. He took the drink from her hand and sniffed it, taking a sip and then another. "Thank you," she mumbled.

Shawn took note of her tone and asked her what was the matter. "I'm mad at you. Go away," she said in a childish manner Shawn wasn't sure if she knew she exhibited. She pushed him slightly and he only smiled and moved back to her, closing the space between them and touching the bar behind her.

"Why you mad at me?"

Beyonce tried to fold her arms between them and Shawn pushed his chest further onto hers, preventing her. If she moved any more, she would probably spill over the top of her dress. Shawn took note of the rise and fall of her breasts. His eyes stared down the slightly shimmering valley that was her cleavage and his smile widened in appreciation before he looked back at her face. "Was up baby?"

"Was up?" she whispered quietly. "I'll tell you was up. I'm the fattest person here!"

Shawn's smile didn't falter but his eyebrows furrowed questioningly. Beyonce continued. "One big gust of wind and all these skinny bitches are gone!" Shawn laughed and looked down at her as she fumed privately. "They'll be no one left but poor little fat Beyonce!"

Shawn burst into another fit of laughter and Beyonce only mugged him until he was finished. When he had finally straightened he looked at her satisfied. "Baby you look beautiful. These women are too skinny if you ask me."

"I'm going on the South Beach Diet."

"Don't," Shawn said. "I like you like this. The way you are is fine. It's better than fine." He leaned closer to her and pecked her lips, moving to her ear and speaking so that only she could hear. He didn't need anyone listening to the way he placated his woman. "I love having more to hold on to when I'm eatin' that sweet-."

"Yo rookie!"

Shawn looked up from Beyonce's ear to see his manager and a teammate approaching. Beyonce swooned and cursed for everything she was worth in her head. "You got a minute?"

Shawn grinned smoothly and said 'of course'. A woman who looked like she weighed more than a wet towel approached them and grinned. She turned to Shawn's teammate and kissed him sweetly. "Hey baby. I been looking for you."

The teammate nodded. "I was just finna talk some business with Gus and Shawn," he said wrapping an arm around the woman. "My bad. Farrah baby this is Shawn, the draft pick and the best one since me."

Shawn rolled his eyes and blushed just a little. He managed to hide it from everyone except Beyonce. "Here he go."

The teammate laughed. "And this is his girl Beyonce. You already know Gus."

Farrah stuck her hand out and greeted Beyonce warmly. "When they talk business, I usually get lost. You wanna get a drink with me?"

Beyonce glanced at Shawn and shrugged. "Ok," she said taking her hand and walking between the three men.

"Girl they are so damn boring with those numbers," Farrah exclaimed as she sat at one of the table and invited Beyonce to do the same. "I be like ugh! Oh my bad, I'm Farrah by the way."

"Beyonce," she replied.

Beyonce grinned and asked the waiter that came to their table like they were at a restaurant to bring her a coke. Farrah asked for a pomegranate martini and Beyonce sat stiffly in her dress. "So, have you met anyone?"

Beyonce looked around at the people and shrugged. "Bow Wow tried to hit on me. That was pretty much it," Beyonce said with disinterest. Once you got to know these people, or even sat with them for a while, celebrities became common. It was like they were average people.

Farrah nodded. "Oh yeah, he's good for that shit. But I was talking about someone from the team."

"Oh," Beyonce shrugged. She smiled a little at the realization that Farrah was so outspoken, just like T. "I met Miko."

At her words, Farrah turned her eyes to her and gave her a careful look. "Don't leave her with your man. She's trifling."

Beyonce couldn't help but to laugh at the way Farrah said it. It was like she was on some sort of secret mission. "Ok." She was not one to judge. Then again she didn't want anyone taking her man. She decided that she wasn't going to take someone else's word for how Miko acted... she was just going to be very mindful of the thin little Asian. Farrah was nice, a little mature for Beyonce's eighteen years of age but then so was everyone else at the party. She was probably the youngest person there.

"So you're nineteen this year right? Thought about school?" Farrah said conversationally. She wasn't pushy or nosey like everyone else she'd met. Beyonce silently appreciated that.

Beyonce shrugged. "Yeah, I am. I was in school when I met Shawn. USC."

Farrah grinned widely. "I thought I saw you on ESPN. I just had to be sure. You're that Knowles girl. With the MJ-Fade-Away that made Dwayne Wade cry."

Beyonce laughed and shook her head. "I don't know about all of that but I am Beyonce Knowles."

"Well not for long hunh?" Beyonce looked at Farrah confusedly and she just continued over her drink as she looked around.

"Pretty soon you'll be Ms. Rookie."

run of the mill.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin