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When she woke up, he was conveniently gone. She couldn't believe that she had slept through the night and was waking up to a new day. But the delectable ache in her lower regions was very much still present. The uncomfortable feeling in her torso told her that she still hand her bra pushed up over her breasts and her white big shirt was still on her. She pushed her legs together to sit up and moaned at the feeling of her body clenching intimately. A smile played on her lips as she looked around her room.
Beyonce glanced at her clock and saw that she had just enough time to get to the library for her study group before she went to practice. She grabbed her toiletries and headed to the bathroom. She showered walked merrily back to her room without a care in the world.
She wore some dark jeans that were one of her personal favorite pair with a long sleeve shirt and a maroon Trojan sweatshirt it. She slipped into her comfortable ugg botts and stood in the mirror to do her hair and makeup. She barely put it in a ponytail ponytail and put a band around it but she still claimed that's what it was. Beyonce applied little to no makeup, only blending and deepening her eyes a little. She checked her watch and was delighted to find that she was making perfect timing. She grabbed her messenger bag and stuffed her keys and cell phone into her purse. Then she left.
Her study group was a quiet group of the stereotypical type of nerd. They all wore glasses, including her since her contacts had been acting up in Texas, and wore messenger bags filled with books. They talked and worked on some theories and exchanged ideas about their work in the creative writing class.
But the whole time Beyonce's mind was on him. She wondered while he left and what he was doing right then. What had inspired him to do what he had done oh-so-well last night? When would she see him?
As if hearing his name in her thoughts, her phone buzzed and she realized she had a text.
'call me'
"Hey, Beyonce," Aaron, a junior and sort of the alpha male of nerds called to her. "We're going to get food. You coming?"
Beyonce looked back at her text and then at him. "Na, I have practice."
Beyonce gathered her things and went to her own car in the parking lot outside the library. She went to her recent calls list and found his number. He answered on the second ring. "Was up baby?"
Beyonce's insides warmed and she blushed. The two actions scared the shit out of her after she realized she had done them. She never blushed on the phone with any of her previous best friends. She never pined away for them while she was suppose to be studying. Her mind went back to the uncomfortable position she had to sit in at the library to keep her body at bay while she thought of him. Her spine tingled.
"Hey Shawn," she sang in a sigh of bliss.
Shawn chuckled at her. She didn't care. She wasn't even ashamed of her obvious feelings. "How you doing?"
Beyonce shrugged even though he couldn't see her. She started her car. "I'm ok. Just got through studying." She slid on her seatbelt and put her car in drive. Beyonce checked her mirrors.
"Nerd," he mumbled in a joking manner loud enough for her to hear.
Beyonce grinned. "Shut up!"
They grinned a little while and Shawn asked her if she could come over. It was the only time she had ever contemplated skipping practice for personal reasons that could be helped. Beyonce bit her lip in thought. She told her coach she might have been back late. She hadn't told anyone from the team that she would be back for practice that Monday. She could have easily just said yes and rushed to his side. But then she realized that she had to get back to reality.
"I have practice in twenty minutes," she confessed sadly.
If Shawn was upset about it she couldn't hear it in his voice. He told her to come over to his dorm if she could when she was finished. He said that they had some things they needed to talk about. Beyonce couldn't have agreed more. She had some things she wanted to talk to him about too. She was hoping they were talking about the same thing but then again, he was a guy so there was no telling what was on his mind. But Beyonce had been thinking about the mixed signals, the sex and the sexual acts all through her study group.
"I'll be there," she said with finality.
They hung up and Beyonce parked her car at the arena and went inside. She wasn't as early as she usually was for practice but she still managed to dress out in a white sports bra and practice jersey with maroon basketball shorts in time.
It was amazing how so little time from something she loved had such a big effect on her. She walked onto the court and smiled at the way she inhaled the smell of floor wax and giant dusty air conditioner filters. She heard her maroon and white Nike shocks hit the floor, squeaking ever so quietly while basketballs dribbled on the floor. It was like walking into your house after a vacation. It was plane as it ever was and there was nothing different, but you were still glad to be there. That is, if you loved your home the way Beyonce loved basketball.
They girls started to file out and Lauren blew her whistle to huddle them together. "Alright ladies get it together!" She stood in the center of the girls and gave a glance around when she wasn't looking at her clip board. "KNowles. Welcome back," she said casually as she looked back at her clipboard full of plays. She licked her finger and turned a page. "Hope you kept in shape while you were out of town."
Beyonce cringed slightly because she hadn't. And she knew as well as anyone that it takes mere days to get out of shape, and weeks to get back in it. Well, it did for anyone else, Beyonce thought cockily. I'll be back where I need to be by tomorrow's practice.
Practice was a little harder than it usually was because of her lack of stamina. Between Debra's bacon and the freedom of practices, she was really out of her element. So much so that Kim passed her up twice. Beyonce was too tired to drive it in like she usually did so she busted a triple of three's to let everyone know that she was still the boss.
And as if she thought her day couldn't get any weirder, it had. Before they left the locker room, people were actually bidding her farewell.
"See you later Beyonce," Alyssa, a sophomore point guard said.
Dizzy, or Gladys according to the state of California, nodded at Beyonce as she threw her town over her shoulder. "Good practice girl. See you tomorrow."
Beyonce waved with a mesmerized smile on her face. She turned back to her locker and started to dress again. "You know," Beyonce heard someone say. She turned to T and grinned a little wider. "They only saying bye because you ain't worried about they Amazon bitch lookin' asses no more!"
Dizzy flicked her towel at T's legs and she jumped away and laughed. "I was just playin' Dizzy damn!" T straightened up and slid her pants on her legs before she got flicked again. "So how was ya trip?"
Beyonce shrugged. "It was ok. Sad for the most part but Shawn has some really nice family. There's a bunch of them."
T nodded. "Well I ain't never met his family." Beyonce could hear a playful bitter tone in her friend's voice and she turned to Beyonce to watch her act out. If she wasn't so good at putting up a layup, Beyonce was certain she would have been an excellent actress. "Shit, I don't even get to ride in the front seat."
Beyonce laughed until they heard a locker slam abnormally loud. Kim was looking right at Beyonce when she turned around to investigate. The scrawl on her face was unnerving but Beyonce wasn't exactly fazed. Kim looked at her for a second longer and marched out of the locker room, flinging the door open chaotically.
"I don't like her," Beyonce said as though she just realized it. Like everyone on campus that knew the two didn't know that.
T looked at the door and back at Beyonce with her eyebrows furrowed in realization too. "You know, I don't either."

run of the mill.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin