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"Twin Talent Sporting Goods, this is Timothy."

Shawn smiled at the sound of his brother's 'corporate' voice. "Yo, what the hell is management doing answering the phone?"

He heard Tim relax with a sigh and imagined that he sat back in his own office chair to take the call. "That's a good ass question," he said sounding tired. Then he yelled his last statement to get someone's attention. "I know if I answer one more damn phone somebody's gettin' laid the hell off!"

Shawn laughed and felt himself sinking into his large couch. It wasn't cozy like the one he wanted to be on but it was still nice he supposed... too spacious but nice. "Was up, man?"

"Shit I should be asking you the same thing, Daddy-io."
Shawn sighed and cursed himself for even bothering to call since he knew his friends and family were all talking about the same thing, his child and his baby momma. "Shit, really."

"Momma told me you and Beyonce ain't on speaking terms... again." He could hear the humor in his brother's voice and couldn't get annoyed with him; the twins only took things seriously when someone died. Other than that, it was all smooth sailing. Even in their crazy little way, they were still the glue that held the family together.

"Something like that," Shawn murmured.

"Something like that?" Tim said with humor in his voice. "Well explain it to me because I, for one, don't know what the hell that means."

Shawn was glad to be explaining his own side of the story so he was glad to do that. "Man, I know I messed up with Beyonce the first time. I know that."

"Right," Tim followed.

"And I been tryna fix the shit since the fucking day Jamie was born. I been on my same shit. Apologizing constantly and putting everything on the backburner to let them know I'm truly sorry."

"Ok," Tim listened.

"But it seems like no matter what I fucking do, Beyonce don't budge. She don't give a fuck. About anything, least of all me. I'm bending over backwards, risking all types of endorsement deals and find raising opportunities to show her and Jamie that I care and she just looks past that shit."

Tim murmured. "I see."

"Man, she fucking hates me. I pay her bills, I watch Jamie, I do everything for her and don't give a fuck," he said tiredly. "I love Beyonce, man. I love Beyonce, no joke dude... but I'm starting to wonder..."

"Wonder what?"

"... Wonder if all of this is worth it. She hates me. I don't think I can change her mind," Shawn said in a weak voice as he admitted his fears aloud. Beyonce was not changing at all. It was getting harder and harder to stay by her side because she kept pushing him and he was getting tired.

"Mm," was all Tim said.

"What?" Shawn itched to know.

"Nothing," Tim muttered.

Shawn rolled his eyes and looked at the TV, which wasn't even on. "Don't do that shit, tell me."

"You sound like a real bitch right now, first off."

He rolled his eyes again. "And?"

"And... you are being a real bitch right now."

"Tim, man if you ain't gon' take the shit seriously let's talk about something else cause I-."

"I am taking it seriously," Tim defended. "Yo, I'm finna give it to you straight up. None of that weak ass shit Dad be saying or that feminine as shit momma be spoutin'."

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