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"Shawn open the door man I gotta talk to you."

Shawn blinked and opened his eyes slowly. He hated being gotten up and much preferred waking up on his own. He especially hated it when he remembered that it was one of his days to sleep in. Football season had just started back up and he was working around the clock to keep ahead of everyone else. It was tedious work but he wanted no one to take his place and it seemed like every fall there was a new batch of people going after his spot on the team. And he would be damned if he let some snot nose child take what he worked so hard to earn.

He started to sit up when the rapping at the door continued but he felt a weight on his chest. Beyonce's golden brown hair was the first thing he saw and he realized that she was asleep partially on him. Her head rested calmly on his bare chest and half of her soft torso lay on his. She had an arm and a let thrown over him and her bare breasts pushed against his side snuggly. Her even breathing on his nipple caused his antennas to perk up almost immediately. Shawn lifted a suggestive eyebrow to himself and pushed her hair aside to look at her peaceful face.

"Shawn man it's important. I know you wanna hear this," a voice h recognized as Abdul said through the door.

Shawn flicked his semi-tired eyes toward the door again and rolled them. He sat up, allowing his beauty to moan and fall to the bed softly. She pushed her hair from her face and then looked around the room with tired hazel eyes he loved. They were gorgeous to wake up to when she got up before he did, which was on most occasions.

"Baby," she called out quietly. Shawn sat on the bed and pulled his pants from the previous night up his legs and looked around for something for her to put on. He grabbed a white shirt and threw it over her tired face.

When she moaned tiredly and snatched it away he laughed. "Put it on," he said. "There's somebody at the door." Shawn leaned down to kiss her pouted lips briefly and stood to answer the door just as she began to shuffle.

"Yo man, what's up?" Abdul greeted as he strolled in. He looked towards the bed and lifted his eyebrows appreciate at the site of Beyonce lying on her stomach with her head facing the wall. It appeared like she had attempted to put the shirt on but got tired and just lay on it instead. Shawn recognized the white material in a ball underneath her elevated head and her hands were stuffed underneath it. The seats were low on her back, exposing her smooth skin and teasing both men with the side view of her breast pushing against the mattress.

"Whoa come on let's talk in the hall," Shawn said looking back at Abdul.

His football friend just shook his head and looked away, heading back out into the hall. Shawn closed the door and hid a yawn with his hand. "My bad man," he said referring to Beyonce.

Abdul put his hand up and lifted his eyebrows. "It's all good."

Shawn nodded and asked him what he wanted.

Abdul suddenly got excited with the memory. "Nigga, how 'bout coach was in his office after practice yesterday talking with a coach from the fucking Miami Dophlins?"

Shawn's ears perked up and he listened carefully. "Word?"

Abdul nodded. "Yeah, man. I think he's scheduling a Combine for practice today."

A Combine is a most prestigious opportunity for anyone that plays college football. It was like being a poet and having William Shakespeare himself rise from the dead and read your work. A scout from a NFL team would come and view you at practice, doing what you did best and then talk to his team manager about signing you and possibly... drafting you into the National Football League. It was every young boys dream to play professional football.

But everyone knew that scouts only came for specific people. Hell sometime's they pulled that person out of their regular practice to have them perform a few tests and endurance drills for the scout alone. And the odds of that one scout coming to see him were slim since there were at least sixty boys on his team. Seniors that had been doing this longer than he had and knew more about things than he did.

"W-who's he coming to see?" Shawn asked, holding his breath as soon as he finished his question. If there was a God... a God anywhere. Goodness knows how much he wanted that person to be him and from what he heard his wildest dream was only a few hours away.

Abdul smiled and poked his chest. "The Trojans starting fucking quarterback nigga who you think!?"

Shawn nearly fainted with joy. An NFL scout from the Miami Dolphins, two time Super Bowl winners, was coming to see him practice today. Abdul dapped him up and pretty soon it was a hall full of men asking what happened.

"Shawn got a NFL scout coming to see him!?"

Shawn had to share the news with Beyonce. He had to see her face when he told her that all of his dreams might have been coming true in a few hours if everything went as planned. He wondered how he hadn't known about this development before. Why was he just now finding out that the guy was coming? He told himself he didn't care. As long as he knew now everything was gonna be alright.

Shawn opened his door and spotted Beyonce sitting on his bed slipping the white shirt over her head. "Hey baby," she said smiling up at him.

Shawn only grinned like a kid in a candy store. When she noticed that all he did was smile at her greeting she looked at him peculiarly. "What? Why you smiling like that?" Beyonce grinned as a reaction to seeing him grin. His head barely fit through the doorway as it was and he needed to more gassing up.

"A man's coming to see me today," he said with that same grin.

Beyonce waited for more information and when that was all he said she smirked. "Then you better put on your prettiest dress."

Shawn let his smile falter and Beyonce giggled. She stood and let the shirt fall over her hips as she crossed to him. Her arms wrapped around him. "I'm sorry baby. What's the man coming to see you about?"

"The NFL."

Beyonce made a face. "What? The NFL what?"

Shawn smiled smugly and walked around her. He put on his best nonchalant act and shuffled things carelessly around his room. Shawn finally picked up a Sports Illustrated and flipped the pages, not seeing one. His mind was elsewhere. "The NFL Miami Dolphins team. It seems as though I might to drafted into the League so its only natural that he come and-."

Beyonce let out an ear piercing scream and tackled him onto his bed. Shawn laughed underneath her and turned over onto his back while she straddled his lap. "Oh my God! Really the NFL?! And the Dolphins! I'm so happy for you!"

Shawn only held her hips and watched her clap and scream atop him excitedly. "When is he coming? Is it today? What are you gonna wear. You should get a haircut. No you don't need one. But shave. Oh you look so cute when you've shaved!"

Shawn laughed and put a hand over her mouth. "Beyonce chill. You more excited than me."

Beyonce pried his hand from her mouth and grinned despite the obvious playful chastise by Shawn. "Baby I'm so proud of you."

Shawn grinned up at her and wondered if his life could get any sweeter. He had a great, perfect, sexy, nice, supportive girlfriend, a thriving, promising, football career, and a whole group of family and friends to support him. Shawn rolled her over and kissed her lovingly. Beyonce couldn't help but to giggle into his mouth with the joy that bubbled over in her heart. He was getting what he wanted and she truly felt like he deserved the world. And sure, she couldn't give him that but she'd given him enough.

She had sent the edited tape of Shawn's greatest moments in football to ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and every NFL team that he expressed a liking for. It was a Christmas present she had done quietly and when the teams didn't respond quickly, she didn't tell him she had done it; for fear that it would hurt him. She had collected home movies in the mail from his mother and father, not to mention a few old pictures she'd found in his dorm. Shawn's coach was kind of an asshole so she had to ask the film department head, who was coincidentally, also in her study group on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays, just to see if he had tapes.

And together they sat down and created a tape of all his proudest and best moments in the game. When they were finished it was Oscar worthy. And the more she did it the more she felt the need not to tell him that she believed in him enough to make it with all those big dogs in the world. She wanted him to find out for himself that she saw him and what he could be when nobody else did.

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