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Shawn sat on his bed and looked around for anything that was out of place or looked abnormal. He didn't find anything. The books were where they needed to be and the CD's were lined up nicely in their case. He stretched and stood up, looking at his watch. Usually now would be the time where he went to pick up Kim so he knew practice was over. Beyonce should be knocking on his door soon.
He was planning to ask her to be his girl, or girlfriend, or wifey. He had no idea how to do this shit anymore. A year and some change had really knocked the game out of him. He didn't even know what he wanted to call her. It was all so, retarded. It seemed beneath him. Beyonce should have known that he was interested in her in that capacity. But then again, she was a female and their minds worked insanely different than his did. He would never understand them.
He hadn't dressed really fancy, or dressed at all actually. He had on his 'after class clothes' which consisted of a wife beater and whichever jeans he had worn that day with socks. Today they were dyed Levi jeans, one of his favorite pair. Shawn checked his watch again and looked at the door. Maybe she was doing laps for the time she had missed because of him. But then why would she be doing that if her coach had acted as though she understood when Beyonce explained that she would be leaving for a while?
Shawn was pulled from his thoughts when there was a knock at his door. He felt his chest did a little flop that made it seem like he was a little too anxious for her to get there. Shawn grinned at himself and crossed his room to answer it.
If there is a God up there anywhere, Shawn thought, please let Kim not really be standing at my door with crocodile tears in her eyes. Please let her be a figment of my imagination.
But no, Kim was there. Her brown eyes were bloodshot red and she had those unsightly pouches underneath her orbs. Her hand clutched a piece of tissue to her mouth and one arm wrapped around her waist protectively. She folded them and attempted to smile at him. "Shawn," she greeted.
Shawn's heart immediately went out to her. He couldn't help it. There had been two years of history behind the two of them. He had to feel some sort of sympathy for her. Shawn put a hand on her shoulder and asked her if she was ok.
Kim sniffed. "Yeah, c-can I come in?"
Shawn looked behind him into the room and nodded after a second or two. "Yeah come on."
She smiled appreciatively at him and stepped inside. Shawn looked in the hall and closed his door. He turned to her. Kim had sat on his bed and brushed a hand over her hair. "Kim what's the matter?"
She wiped her nose and balled her tissue back up. "Nothing, I was just hoping we could just talk."
Shawn was a little stunned. "Talk?"
The last time he was in the same place as Kim she was storming down the hall after handing him the key that he had asked very nicely for. Why on earth would he want to talk to her? Better yet, why would she want to talk to him? And why now? But still, with the tears in her eyes and the sad features painted on her face made him sensitive to her.
"Ok," Shawn said looking at his watch and at her again before he realized what he did. "Sorry... so was up?"
Kim shrugged and attempted a chuckle. "How have you been? I heard about your aunt. I'm sorry."
Shawn softened a bit more to her and nodded his appreciation. "Thanks."
Kim nodded and asked him if he was doing ok with that. Shawn nodded and let words that he knew to be a big mistake slip from his lips. "Yeah Beyonce has been there so it's straight."
He saw Kim stiffen in the corner of his eye and he sighed a little to himself. He knew where this was going. "Shawn," she said somberly with a little attitude in her voice. "What do you see in her? She's nothing."
Shawn cut his eyes at her. "She's something to me, Kim."
Kim shrugged and stood up, pacing in front of him. Her eyes finally found his and she questioned him. "Don't you miss me? Us?"
Shawn almost said no but he wasn't stupid. And in truth he hadn't missed her. Without Kim he didn't have to check in with anyone and let them know where he was like he had a damn curfew. Shawn had to worry about someone nagging him and being all in his ear all the time about every little thing he did. Kim was more like a parole officer than a girlfriend. And he was not a felon, he didn't need one of those.
Shawn stood up to. "Kim, this was your idea. 'Us' taking some time and separating was all your doing."
Kim sucked her teeth and sniffed like she was frustrated. "Shawn that was suppose to be temporary. Not just long enough for you to run after some fre-."
Her words were cut off by another knock at the door. Shawn rolled his eyes and prayed that Beyonce was not standing on the other side of the door when he opened it. Shawn flung the door open and Beyonce smiled up at him softly.
"Was up," she greeted. Her eyes hadn't meant to glance around his room in an inquiring manner. It was just a look over his shoulder when she noticed a face appear at his size. And then her smile faded a little. "Oh."
"Bey," he breathed. He had no speech prepared. But then again what could he say. "You came. Good."
Beyonce looked away from Kim's glaring eyes. "What?" Why on earth would that be good? She frowned and asked if she was interrupting something.
Kim chose that moment to speak up. "Obviously."
Shawn gave Kim a look and the only reason he didn't tell her to get the hell out of his room was because she had been crying moments ago. "Kim," he said sternly. His eyes went back to Beyonce. "You're not... well you are but nothing like that. We're talking."
Beyonce looked at Kim and back to him. "Talking? Right. Then I'll leave."
"No," Shawn said reaching for her arm. Beyonce yanked away forcefully and looked at him evilly. Shawn had never seen her beautiful eyes look as poisoning as they had right then. In fact he had never seen poison in her eyes before. Beyonce had, he realized, never gotten really angry with him. His mind offered the vision of her storming away at the mall after she glared at him but that was just a little frown, that wasn't the same as a mug like the one she was giving right then. Shawn was taken aback by the look and momentarily stunned... she looked sexy as hell. She glared at him through slits and her top lip lifted ever so slightly in a mug.
Beyonce stepped back and headed down the hall. Shawn cursed under his breath and started out of the door. Kim grabbed a handful of his wife beater in a tight hold and stopped him. "Let her go Shawn. You shouldn't have to explain yourself to her."
Shawn looked at her in disbelief. Their entire relationship was built on him explain his every action and thought to Kim. And now she was telling him that he didn't have to do it for Beyonce, someone he wanted to share with whereabouts with because he secretly hoped she would be there with him. He slapped her hand off of his shirt and started down the hall.
"Shawn!" Kim called after him. She had admitted to herself that she would never find anyone that would treat her like Shawn did. Most of the men that she knew wouldn't even buy her lunch, let alone a Chanel purse. When she got to his doorframe and saw all the people in the hall, she stopped screaming. She didn't want to look as desperate as she was. Her lips pushed together and she watched Shawn weave through the people to Beyonce.
Beyonce knew he was running after her. She heard him calling her name. She didn't want to be around him. Not right now. Not when he had just previously been with Kim. Beyonce knew the elevator would take to long so she maneuvered past some people waiting for it and reached for the door to the stairs.
Shawn flung her around and grabbed her face in his hands, pressing his lips against hers.
Beyonce whimpered quietly and obeyed his soft command. She kissed him back, though her hands clutched her practice bag as she attempted to hold herself together. Shawn tasted her mouth briefly, remembering they were in public and broke the kiss. It was his way of telling her that he was on her side. That he hadn't forgotten about her. And Beyonce was very appreciative.
He grinned at her soft expression and held her face so that he could make the beautiful woman in his arms focus on him and no one else. Not Kim standing at his door looking furious. Not even the onlookers who were happy to have full confirmation. It was about the two of them right then. That's all it had been about since they had sex. Neither of them noticed but it was.
"I want you," Shawn said very somberly and sincerely.
Beyonce cracked a smile a mile wide. She realized right then that she wanted to be with him in that nature. She began to wonder how long she had been like that should have been more than friends. How long had her stomach been doing flips and diving down to her toes? Beyonce couldn't remember. She didn't want to. Her mind just wanted to enjoy the feeling she was experiencing down in her toes and up in the follicles of her hair. It was a wonderful feeling.
"Go straight to your room and wait for me ok?"
Beyonce nodded. She decided that she trusted Shawn and he wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt her. Shawn was simply too nice to hurt someone, let alone her. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him again, loving his lips against hers. The elevator opened next to them and Shawn told someone to hold it for her.
She stepped inside and waved slightly.
When the doors closed, Shawn stood there a while, smiling at the place she was standing at when the elevator doors were opened. He smirked and strolled back to his room to deal with the task at hand, Kim. She was sitting on his bed with a malice look on her face. Shawn just knew she was out to bring his spirits down. He sighed.
"Feelin' better," he said as he closed the door and sat beside her. Her tears were gone and she didn't seem to be harboring any of the same emotions that she had been when she first arrived at him room. He could only assume that meant she was in better spirits... or she was pissed.
Kim looked at him like she had been disrespected. She wiped that look from her face and put on a genuine look of sorrow. "I miss us."
Shawn met her eyes.
"I miss seeing you all the time and talking to you on the phone." Kim looked around the room. "I miss being in here. Especially alone." Her eyes flicked to him and she smiled carefully.
"Kim," he started. "I like her," he finished lamely. He wanted to tell her that what they had previously had was over and she couldn't come between them. But his words never came out like he wanted them to. In fact, the only person that could interpret what he said even a little bit was Beyonce. The thought made him want to smile so he did.
Kim noticed the gesture. "She can't treat you like I can Shawn. She doesn't know you like I do."
Shawn stood up and went to his closet to find a jacket. "Yeah... she knows me better."

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