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"So do you still wanna do the photoshoot? Mike says it will be good for the deal you're landing with Hanes but I think you should reconsider. Hanes is nice but I think we can go for something bigger," Selita said as she sat back and let Rosario take her plate from in front of her. She nodded briefly to the older lady and shook her head when Rosario reached for the half, empty glass of Ponit Nior wine.

Shawn sat on the other end of the table. He finished his meal and shrugged idly as he allowed Rosario to take his plate away too. "I guess. It seems like a good investment."

Selita nodded in approval. "It is. You'll see." She stood and grabbed her glass, walking to his side of the table. Shawn pushed away and gave her room to sit on his lap. She sipped from her glass and grinned at him. "So now that all that's done we can relax."

Shawn smirked. "Oh yeah," he drawled. Selita giggled and wiggled her tight ass on his lap, leaning down to kiss him. Shawn welcomed the contact and fed on her mouth contently. His hands brushed up her stomach and his fingertips found a peak underneath her shirt. He plucked it gently, feeling her quiver in his embrace. Shawn smiled against her lips and pushed harder on the little nub, eliciting another tremble from the woman atop him. Selita moaned against his lips and pushed herself more into his hand, loving his caress.

They had been at it nonstop since she moved it. It was the all access that Shawn had grown quite fond of. Whenever he was here and she was, they never went more than a good few hours without touching one another and initiating sex. It was pure bliss. Tiring, but still magical.

"Daddy," someone called just before they broke their kiss to spot a little ponytail with legs shooting past the dining room. Shawn sighed and couldn't help but smile as Selita climbed off his lap. "Daddy!" she called again. Shawn straightened himself and put his glass down.

"Jamie," Rosario called, pacing past the door behind the tiny child. "Venga aqui!"

Shawn chuckled and soon the child came around the corner, walking beside Rosario, holding her finger looking at the Spanish woman fondly. "Hola," she giggled over and over again. She was infatuated with learning new words. "Hola."

"Hola," Rosario grinned leading her to Selita. Jamie cheesed.

"Hola!" she greeted. Selita laughed and lifted the two year old into her arms. They liked each other. Got along well enough. Jamie never made an enemy though. No one didn't like her. She was too adorable for such a travesty.

"Hey stinker," Selita said hugging her to her chest. She had grown fond of the child against her better judgment. It was easy to love her.

"Daddy!" she screamed reached for Shawn. He put out his arms and took her with ease, his bulk making her weigh as much as a bald point pen. "Look," she said thrusting a small rubber football in his face for his inspection. It was made of the same material as a stress ball and green and orange with a dolphin on the side. She was already a tomboy.

"Oh look at that," Shawn said praising her gift. "Did momma get that for you?"

She nodded and wiggled to be put down. Shawn obeyed, never being able to say no to her and grinned when she threw the ball at his knee. He picked it up and tossed at to her open hands. She missed of course but she was delighted to do it. Jamie picked up the ball again and threw it with all her might. Her tiny arm flailed limply and she hit his knee yet again. Shawn tossed it back to her.

"She wouldn't leave the store without it," Shawn heard as Beyonce rounded the wall. She carried a diaper bag and a paper bag of Shawn didn't know what and he started to go over and help her carry all the things. It had been a year and he still did a clean sweep of her gorgeous body and face every time he saw her. It was a habit he found that he didn't want to break.

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