"Mom!" I said. She looked at me.

"What?" She said, with her mouth open, making all of her chewed up meat loaf visible.

"Ew!" I scrunched my nose.

"Alexandra, sweetie, you must be used to it by now. Jacob does it constantly!" Jacob's mom said.

"Actually, he's never done that. At least not in front of me." Both of Jacob's parents and Caroline all turned to me.

"Really?" Caroline asked, surprised. I nodded.

"Wow. A seventeen year old boy gets a girlfriend and becomes polite." His dad said. When Jacob's dad said the word 'girlfriend', my dad did not look happy. I chuckled. I looked over, and Jacob's cheeks were beat red. He looked at me and shook his head.


"I'm so tired." I said, as I collapsed on my bed. Jacob decided to come over my house after we had all finished dinner.

"Me too.." he said, as he collapsed next to me. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said. My mom opened the door.

"Dad and I are going to go and do some shopping. We should be back no later than ten. I'm trusting you guys, because there's no protection, and I don't want you gu-" My eyes widened.

"Mom!" I yelled. I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But I'm serious. We'll see you guys soon, love you both." She said before closing the door. That's the good thing about me and Jacob. Our families are so close, and such good friends, that they have no problem with us being together. Well, except for my dad. It's not that he doesn't like Jacob, because he does. But, I'm his 'little girl' and he gets all sensitive when the word boyfriend comes up.

"What do you want to do?" Jacob asked, sitting up. I sighed.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Alex, we just ate. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but how can you already be hungry?" He laughed.

"We ate at six o'clock! It's nine thirty! And anyways, i'm not hungry for food." I said as if it was obvious. Jacob's eyes widened a bit, and I soon realized what he was thinking.

"Then what are you hungry for?" He asked, confused. Another reason I love Jacob. It's obvious he thinks I'm talking about his dick, yet, he acts more confused than excited. A normal teenage boy would be pumped.

"I'm hungry for sweets. Like, cookies or cupcakes." I said.

"Wait, those are foods." He said, emphasizing the are. I rolled my eyes, as I stood up and walked to the kitchen, with Jacob following behind. We rummaged through the cabinets looking for the ingredients to make cookies. Once everything was gathered, I ran upstairs to change. I didn't want to get my outfit dirty, so I just threw on yoga pants and a tanktop. First of all, the yoga pants I had on made me butt look huge, which I loved. And second, I love tank tops. They are just so comfortable for me. I'd rather wear a tank top than any other shirt. I walked back into the kitchen, and Jacob and I began making the cookie mix. We put extra chocolate chips in there, and every once in a while, we would put cookie dough on each other's faces. My arm started to hurt, so Jacob took over the mixing part. I sat on the counter and we just talked while he mixed, and made the cookies. He popped them in the oven.

"Okay, now we wait." He said as he looked over at me.

"How long?" I whined. He laughed, and walked over to me. He went in between my legs, and rested his elbows on my thighs. I wrapped my hands around his neck and looked down at him. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me with a small smile on his face.

"Well?" I asked, referring back to my question. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Soon." Was all he said. I put my hands on his cheeks, and leaned down and connected our lips. He smiled into the kiss. He put his hands under my thighs and lifted me off of the counter. I laughed, as he carried me to the couch. He set me down, and turned the tv on. I grabbed the remote and went to Netflix, as he sat next to me. I went to the Netflix show 'Stranger Things' and clicked on a random episode. Jacob and I always watch it together. It's kind of like our own little show. My phone dinged, so I picked it up and checked it. I had gotten a message from Caroline. She must've taken a picture of Jacob and I when he had me over his shoulder right before dinner. It was a wicked cute picture. I posted it on my instagram and captioned it "the love of my life, who always makes me laugh😂💘" and tagged Jacob. (The picture⬇️)

I set my phone down, and looked at Jacob

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I set my phone down, and looked at Jacob. I kissed his cheek. By now, it was ten o'clock, and I started to become tired. I set my head on Jacob's lap, and slowly drifted as Jacob played with my hair.

a/n: I'm obsessed with stranger things. Like, badly obsessed.

luv u beautiful people😽 ~ xoxo

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