Chapter 23

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All over again: chapter 23 ~

Alex's p.o.v

*later that night*

Do you ever get that feeling when you're having so much fun, that you could just do it forever and ever? And you just want to die doing what you're doing, and you never want those moments to end? And it makes it even better that it's with the people you love most in your life? Well, that's how I feel right now. Hunter, Stacey, Jacob and I were all hanging out together in Hunter and Stacey's room. And yes, Hunter and Stacey will be sharing a room for the short amount of time we're in Dallas, Texas. You see, although Stacey lives in Dallas, the venue where the show will be held is about two hours from the part of Dallas that Stacey lives in. So therefore, it makes sense for her to stay with us. She doesn't want to drive two hours everyday, and I get that. Before we arrived in Dallas, we originally had the arrangement that Jacob was going to sleep in Hunter's room while Stacey stays in me and Jacobs room with me. But, with my expectations and thoughts of Hunter and Stacey being together, I convinced her to stay in Hunter's room. There are two beds in all of the rooms we got, and Hunter stays in a room by himself so it just works out. And it doesn't matter if there are two beds in me and Jacobs room, we sleep in the same bed anyways. Mostly because we'll cuddle and watch tv, but always ended up falling asleep. We were all somehow squished into one bed, laughing, throwing chips at each other, hitting each with pillows at the most random times, making stupid ass jokes that somehow found a way to make us all laugh, and just overall having the best time ever. Sometimes, it's the little things that are the most fun. But that fun was ruined by the announcement that came from the tv. 


ooooh I left y'all on a cliffhanger. I'm a savage. But anyways, (😂) sorry I haven't updated, but I've been having a lot of family problems (several of my family members have gotten ill and not a flu ill, but a cancerous and disease ill) and it's just been very hectic for my family and I lately. But, to make y'all happy, I'll most likely be doing a double update today! I know this chapter is really short and I haven't updated, thus the reason for the double update.

luv you beautiful people ~ xoxo😽

(p.s. I'll be signing my authors notes like that from now on💘)

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