Sixty-Three: Date Night

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*This is Bec on date night y'all HAVE NO CLUE HOW MUCH I LOVE BINDI IRWIN AGH*


I straighten my tie in the mirror on the wall in the living room as I wait for Rebecca to finish getting ready. I already put Elouise and Mason into their carriers, so as soon as Rebecca is ready, we will leave.

I am honestly so excited for tonight. We finally get a night to be alone, without the boys or the kids. It seems like it has been forever since we've been able to go on a date.

"Babe, are you-"

I cut myself off when I turn around and see Rebecca walking into the living room, and may I just say, she looks stunning. She's wearing a beautiful black dress with striped designs on it and gold bangle bracelets on her wrist and black wedges on her feet. My eyes travel up and down her body, and I notice her arms go around her stomach. She does that when she feels self-conscious.

"Wow," I finally manage to say. "Princess, you look gorgeous."

She looks down at her feet and blushes.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she looks back up and nudges my chest. I chuckle and pick up both of the carriers.

"You ready to go?" I ask. She nods her head, picks up the two diaper bags, and we walk out of the apartment and make our way to my new car. I had to get another vehicle so we can fit Mason and Elouise in there, and I consider this one to be Rebecca's car. She takes it whenever she needs to go anywhere.

When we get to our old apartment, where everybody else is still living, we get out and head up.

"Hey, guys, we're here!" I call as we walk in. I set the carriers down by the sofa.

"Hello?" Rebecca calls out when nobody appears. We exchange confused glances.

"Guys, we really need to-"

"Aaahhh!!!" We suddenly hear yells, causing both of us to jump, and all of the boys jump out from behind the wall with Nerf guns. They start shooting at us, causing us to yell as well.

Rebecca hides behind me and I grab Luke's gun when he is close enough to me and start shooting them. Each of us quickly runs out of ammo, and Rebecca is giving us a disappointed look.

"Okay, guys," I try to hold back my laugh, "We're seriously going to be late."

"Whose idea was this?" Rebecca asks. Luke, Calum, and Jacob all point at Michael, but Michael points at Jacob.

"Oi, mates, thanks a lot," Michael chuckles. (idk what "oi" means or how you say it, but I've seen it used in this context in aussie stuff before lol)

"Just take care of the kids," Rebecca says sternly. Luke, Calum, and Michael all mutter "sorry" in reply.

"Okay, Luke, you seem the most responsible out of the three of you," she says. Luke grins in pride and Michael and Calum look at her offensively.


"Just stating the truth," she shrugs."

"Okay, you can make them a bottle at 7, and warm it up for 15 seconds, so it's not too hot but it's not cold, either," she explains, pulling a list out of one of the bags. "They can't eat anything else. Make sure somebody has both eyes on them at all times. They should be pretty good, but just in case they start crying, Mason has his stuffed monkey and Elouise has her little elephant, they love those. They have their dummies (this is what Australians call a "pacifier" or "binky" apparently. I've always called it a "passy") in their bags, Elouise's is green and Mason's is purple."

Trust the Wrong Number || Ashton IrwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora