Tell Me Again

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"Tell me again, what exactly happened yesterday?" Katie ask for the umptenth time.

"Katie, how many more times am I going to have to tell you?"

"Come on, just one more time!"

"Alright." I sighed as I began to tell her once again all of yesterday's events.

"Wow! I can't believe it, it just doesn't seem possible! Does this mean our pack is official now?"

"Well, not yet but hopefully soon."

Squealing as she dances around the room in excitement. Saying over and over how she just can't believe it and it's to good to be true. I can't help but laugh slightly at her behavior, which was quite similar to my own. But I had been for the most part hidden by trees and bushes, unlike Katie who is dancing openly for anyone and everyone to see.

"We're so close!"

A knock sounded before Dan entered. Pausing to take in the sight of Katie still dancing around my office like a mad woman, a small smile crept on to his face as his eyes softened. Dancing over Katie throw her arms around his neck, bringing him in for a kiss.

"Did you hear? We might actually have a chance to be accepted!"

"Really?! Are you sure?!"

"Yes! Jenny told me herself. Tell him Jenny!"

Dan turned his questioning eyes to me "Is this true, Alpha? Do we actually have a chance?"

I nod "It looks that way."

Grinning he swoops her up spinning her around the office while letting out a "Yahoo!" Shaking my head I can't help the silly smile that spreads across my face. It most be wonderful to be so in love, so in trapped by someone that nothing else matters but that they are always there by your side always supporting you, even when they find your secrets and you hidden pain.

Shaking my head to clear it of the ridiculous thoughts swirling around. Only werewolves have mates only mates have true love. Don't kid your self into thinking you're going to have it, you've seen what human love is and you don't want it. But I can't really convince myself, because I do want it more then anything I want someone to look at me with love in their eyes like Dan looks at Katie, as though they're the only two in the world.

Clearing my throat I quickly leave the two, and their moment to themselves. Walking down to the kitchen I watch as the pack members scurrying to prepare dinner. You may think I'm being rude by just standing here watching, but seriously I have absolutely no cooking talents at all, and I do mean no cooking talent. Once I tried to make toast only apparently you can't put it in the microwave and apparently the numbered button are for the length of cooking time and not how toasted you want your toast. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. Firefighters came and everything, and then much to my embarrassment I had to reveal that it wasn't a house fire but my attempt at cooking that set off the alarm. After that day I have never tried to cook again, it just isn't worth the smoke inhalation.

After watching for a few more minutes I wonder back to my office where much to my relief the love birds seem to have flown the coop. No sooner had I sat down then my phone rang. Glancing down I couldn't help the sigh that escaped, just great.


"Alpha, there are three unfamiliar rogues heading for the pack house, what do you want done?"

"Bring them in for questioning, but avoid hurting them if at all possible."

"Yes, Alpha."

Just what I need, more trouble.

Shortly a knock sounded on my door announcing the arrival of Several warriors pushing the intruders before them.

I was struck by the sight. The three girls, the eldest girl no more then sixteen or seventeen was beautiful in what could only be described as a blessing. To look at her even through the dirt and grime the only words I could think of to describe her would be "true princess." Her eyes showd her weariness as well as her fatigue. On her hip rested a small child, her face buried in the girls arm and clutching onto her in a death grip. Her tiny body suggesting she didn't get enough to eat. Finally my eyes came to rest on the last girl, grasping the older girls hand in fear, her eyes wide, she too looked hungry but lacked nothing in height. Her facial features suggested a six or seven year old though her height seemed to be that of a nine or ten year old.

Turning my attention to the eldest once again, I cleared my throat before extending my hand.


"Willow." Her voice was so soft I might have missed it had I not been expecting it.

"Welcome to the Burning Embers territory, Willow."

She nodded, her eyes still darting around keeping an eye on her surroundings at all times. Barely coming to rest on one thing before flitting to the next.

"I am Alpha Embers, but please call me Jenny. Everyone does."

Nodding, she keeps looking about.

"If you don't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that alright with you?"

Again she nods.

"What are your full names?"

"I am Willow Dalanie, this here" she slightly shrugs the arm that the girl beside her is still clinging to. "Is Rachael Leanne, and the wee one is Bella Rose."

"Last names?"

"Daniels" the lie past her lips effortlessly, as easy as if she'd said it all her life, yet it still rings untrue in my ears. Yet what purpose could the lie serve?

"Why have you crossed onto my territory?"

"We wish to join the pack."

"Have you ever been in a pack before?" At the question the middle child gulps and bites her lip looking down.

"Yes, Alpha, we have."

"Why did you leave?"

"With all due respect Alpha that is a personal matter that I would prefer to say in private."

Seeing no harm in it I ask the warriors to leave before sitting down at my desk and asking the girls to take a seat opposite me. And the did, all three in one chair.


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Keep sparkling 💗 Madeline

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