Chapter 11: my work as cupid

Start from the beginning

"I am not gay!" I once again had to remind another person. Seriously, why did everyone think Greg and I are gay?

Gwen's POV

I lied to him.

I knew what had happened. At the party I mean. It's not like I wasn't sober for some of the night - even drugged up I had some knowledge of what events where exploding before me. I have always been a little outgoing sure but nothing as bad as that had ever happened before. I knew everyone at the party and thought that it'd just be a few drinks to help feel the music better (sport was my forte not dancing) that was of course until someone uninvited showed up.

Everyone at school wouldn't sod off talking about it for Christ sake! They all made it out like I was some kind of old person with amnesia, dementia or short term memory loss. I remember practically everything. The only things which were unclear I definitely got filled in on: by plenty of witnesses. Can you just start to imagine the hell of a day I had today regarding this? The amount of people coming up to me and mentioning how (lets refer to him by his last name as that is how you have come to know him from Connor) Bullington touched me up in front of everyone. I get that. Most people say he spiked my drink and yes I can confirm on that, he did but I guessed that half way through the third glass and downed it in front of him anyway.

The boy was offering a challenge and I was always up for one. Clearly I didn't realise just how much he'd put in. I can deal with everyone commenting on how he touched me up, he was my ex-boyfriend after all so he was probably just really drunk or something.

But that's not the worst of it. Oh no! the worst of today was having to get through basketball practise with Jonathon telling me every single flipping detail about how Connor supposedly cradled me in his arms calling me beautiful and all that. What a joke!

Okay, so I know it was true... I can remember waking up and seeing his face, feeling so grateful of what he had done for me and feeling so happy that he was there for me. To make this easier I'll just tell you what happened in practise: a few minutes into the room before I could even get a ball to practise dribbling.

"So Gwen," Johnathan was clearly trying to say the right things as he kept pausing, "I know you're probably sick of hearing it but about last night-"

I pulled a ball from the basket and turned away, "look I have heard enough! Can we just not?"

Clawing at the other side of the ball, "well I want to talk about you and Connor. About who is actually right for you!" he snatched the ball from me.

"What the hell do you mean? 'Who is right for me?' Connor and I don't-"

"Just hear me out!" he pleaded. I looked across the room, coach was mid conversation so we had time to talk.

"Right you have two minutes and give me the fricking ball!"

He dropped it watching me throw out a hand ready to keep it bouncing, "You're feisty when you're moody. Connor won't like that" he sniggered letting out a repulsive smile.

"This isn't the time to prat around!" The rest of the team had collected balls and one was over arm thrown at Jono, "Now say what you have to before we get murdered with a shit tonne of basket balls!"

"Alright so what do you remember about when you were being sick?"

"Nothing" I lied. Taking off down the court dribbling with speed.

Building his own momentum following the same way, "Now come on don't bullshit me Colby. Surely everyone told you anyway."
"Alright yeah I remember hearing Connor's voice and they argued or something then you two and Greg took me outside."

"And what did you hear from everyone who spoke about it"?

"Well Connor was trying to defend me. Supposedly he said he was my protector. That guy tried to show my underwear to everyone and Connor covered me and then they started fighting and it led to a foot print in the face and a smashed up jaw. That good enough for you detective?"

"Yeah that'll do. But what I'm most interested in is the bit which no one else could know about unless they were one of three people, considering two don't attend here I believe that you'll tell me – the third member - things which you remember"

"Well once outside I was laid on Connor and I felt like crap. Rob then came to fetch us."

"What else?"

"That's all I remember"

"No it isn't Guinevere don't lie."

"Fine! Why are you so bothered anyway?" a whistle was blown from down court, the coach pointed at baskets bawling something about shooting hoops. Arriving at the closest one we began throwing them in. I off course never missing.

"Because I know that Connor is a good guy and I feel it's right for me to help him out. He cradled you in his arms for crying out loud. Doesn't that alone show you how he feels? And I, like a wing man have to help you understand these things 'cuz Greg aint great with the ladies, unless they're a dog anyway (that's what I've been told) anyhow what do you-"

Taking in a sharp breath catching the last thrown ball in my chest, "He tried to carry me on his own but struggled so you helped him. I was laid across him, I turned my face into his chest for a while. I opened my eyes turning myself to see him, at first he hadn't noticed and was just talking his voice like that of an angel, it made me so happy. He turned to look at me and said something sweet but I don't remember because my head was banging from the spiking. Wait no. I think he called me beautiful and said something like 'it will be okay'. You lot rung Rob and as we waited for him to come Connor held me in his arms like he wouldn't ever let go even if someone pried me away. I held onto him because, well I don't know. I guess I didn't want him to leave me. I know that he held my hand and I held his back not because I felt that I had to but rather because I wanted to and I knew that I could. I like Connor. I really like Connor. As in, well a lot but I don't quite understand why... I think... I honestly think that... Well, Johnathan, I think I'm in love with-"

With folded arms and a ball under his foot, Jono's face lit up like some gleaming Christmas tree, "My work as cupid is now done."

So yeah, that's what happened... Everyone at school didn't know him before but clearly they do now. No one likes Bullington but he isn't that bad really. Not when you get to know him! How you've been told this story I can make out that he seems like a bad lad right? Well he isn't. Well no not really. He was just pissing around that's all. Right?

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