Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

 “James!” I tried to yell over the loud beeping noise but it wasn’t really working. “Shut that off!”

After a few seconds without a response, I stormed out of the guestroom and down the hall. The noise only got louder.

I looked toward the kitchen but he was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? Apparently he didn’t know that you were supposed to watch food as it cooked.

I ran over to the kitchen and stopped in front of the stove, the beeping of the timer caused me to flinch a little.  

It felt like my eardrums were about to explode.

I frantically looked through all the buttons and dials connected to the stove. How did you shut the timer off?

Out of nowhere, James appeared next to me, causing me to jump.

He reached out and pressed one of the buttons. The noise stopped. Then he turned a dial to shut off the burner beneath the pot of noodles that had been boiling.

“You know, you’re not supposed to abandon the stove when things are cooking,” I took a step back to get out of his way.

I watched as he grabbed the pot of noodles from the stovetop and headed to the sink to dump the contents in the strainer. He then placed the pot back on the stove burner.

“I’m sorry I had to pee!” He spoke sassily, glancing over his shoulder at me.

“You couldn’t hold it for one minute?” A smile spread across my lips as I raised an eyebrow. “Well thanks to your bladder, everyone’s eardrums ruptured from the noise.”

“You could’ve shut it off too,” He laughed as he pulled on a pair of oven mitts. He reached down to open the oven door and pulled out a pan full of chicken.

James placed that on the stove top as well.

“I was trying!” I took a few backwards steps out of the kitchen.

He just shook his head and smiled. “Try harder next time.”

I spun around on my heel and headed down the hall.

Not too long after, we were all sitting around the living room eating dinner with plates full of food. It was a late dinner, around 7:00pm.

“How was your walk earlier?” James asked, starting up a conversation in the slightly quiet room.

“Oh, it was lovely,” Mom spoke from her spot on the couch after take a bite of chicken. ”It’s a very nice neighborhood. I see why you like it here.”

“Yeah,” He replied between bites. “It’s not that big of a neighborhood but, there’s a lot going on.”

“It seems like you and Maddie are on better terms,” She said after a few seconds of silence, eyeing us happily.

I was in the middle of shoving a large chunk of noodles in my mouth when her words caused me to look over at her. She looked excited. I nodded, unable to speak because of the food I was eating.

“I knew that trip to the store would help!”

I choked on my noodles as I instantly began laughing. She thought we were friends again because of that terribly awkward car ride? That hadn’t helped at all!

“Yeah, sure Mom,” I slowly recovered from my choking attack. “We’ll just pretend that that wasn’t the worst car ride I’ve ever experienced.”

“Yeah that was bad,” James agreed, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “From what I remember, the radio stations had awful song choices.” He chuckled.

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