Chapter Two ~ Five Years Later

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And here it is my lovely people, enjoy~

- Lovely Swearing Ahead -

" Mitch!" You yell.

A groan comes from him and the nearest thief to you tries to stab you, your sword goes across their chest.

Another sword swings, you slide under it.

" Mitch hold on!" You yell, then you start running faster.

" Your never going to see him again." The guy says as he turns around and starts running.

You speed up, then you jump in the air.

It goes slow from then.

The sword is clasped between your hands, in striking position.

Your body just follows, your entire body is just in the air.

Then it speeds up as you get closer to the guy, the sword goes right through the nape of his neck.

All you hear is a gurgle and Mitch is dropped.

You grab him, then you swing him over your shoulder, after that, there's dust from how fast your sprinting away.

" (Y/n)?" He asks.

" I'm here Mitch." You say.

" Good." He groans.

You laugh lightly, not entirely meaning it.

You get back to your camp.

You immediately start to treat Mitch, he has a few cuts here and there, but he'll survive, you just want to make sure.

" Mitch, I told you not to run off."

" I saw a bunny." He says.

You snort a little " A rabbit caught you off guard?"

" A bunny! It was gray." He says.

" Okay weirdo." You say.

You finish cleaning him up and e goes to take a nap.

You on the other hand, you grab your journal.

The last entry read:

" Mitch got taken, can't find him, I'll keep looking though, I promised myself I would keep a track of the boy for as long as we were together in a group. Other than that, we're servicing fine, still trying to find Garroth, though, in starting to lose hope, but every time I think of that, I also think of how Mitch could be our child, adopted child and he could be the father. We could be a happy family. As much as I would love that, I also want the boy to be happy, and he wants what I want, but sometimes I catch him off guard, normally just staring at the stars, his lips move, he whispers things to the stars, it worries me, yet I also feel happy for him, if this is the way he deals with the loss of his mother, I'm all for it.

Mitch also seems to be trying to buff up faster. He doesn't like being weak and will do anything to train with me, hunt with me, fight soldiers hat come at us with me. I guess that could be another side effect from losing his mother, but I feel it's something more, he wants it for a reason so unknown to me it's scary. But I let him carry on and fulfill his wishes as they come. It's the least I can do after all this time of being with him."

You go the next empty page.

" I have found Mitch, apparently he was going after a grey bunny, it boggles me how the boy can do things -"

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