Garroth x Reader ~ A Bad Day To Get Broken Into

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Ooooookkkkkaaaayyyyy don't you dare not expect me to put this in here. 3 days. Its been 3 days. I have 1.8k now. I'm so happy you guys come flocking to my rescue. Also, happy mothers day for anyone who celebrates it. I don't really celebrate it. My mother doesn't really live with me and there's no way to visit her so, I celebrate the day with my two Aunts and Grandmother because they've been there my whole life. I did say Happy Mothers Day on Facebook to my mother though. Anyways, I'll stop being depressing ~ ENJOY~!

You pull your son close to your chest as you run to your boyfriends house. Its raining cats and dogs and someone decided today was a good day to break into your house.

You do know that Garroth lives with three other guys. It was the first thing he told you.

You were thankful for that and met the guys soon after.

Learning Travis was a flirt.

The other three were fine. Thank Irene for that.

Though, Travis living in the basement did freak you out a bit. Was he like some sort of hermit or something else.

He for sure wasn't anti-social. He's been out in the sun for too long if you catch my drift.

You pull off your jacket and drape it over your son's head. It was raning golf balls and getting colder by the minute. You didn't want (s/n) to catch a cold. He gets really bad ones.

You rub his back as you near Garroth's house.

You would live with Garroth but, he has other guys and they would most likely wake up your son. Garroth would move into your house but, they needed him to pay the rent in their house.

You were sort of stuck in a situation that you really didn't want to be in.

You knock on the door and you hear (s/n) mumble something under the jacket. Something about him being cold.

" I know. We'll be inside in a second." You say.

No lights turn on or anything. Its dark inside the house. You can hear the pitter patter of the rain and that's about it.

" Come on! Not today." You whine.

Now, you can go to Aphmau's house. Aaron's house. Or Zane's house.

You really didn't want to pick any of them. What you did want was to go back home and get (s/n) in dry clothes and put him to bed.

You pat his back and slowly walk down the steps.

You don't even see Aphmau's lights on. Its completely dark in her house too.

It stops raining. Which is good. You guess and you peak your head around to Aarons house for any sign of light.




You sigh. Now you were getting cold from the lack of a jacket.

(s/n) mumbles something and you pull the jacket off of his head.

" Hmm?" You hum.

" Mommy, I'm cold." He says.

" I know. So am I." You say.

Where was Garroth? Why wasn't he home at this time. It was nearly midnight.

You pull out your phone and dial Garroth's number.

He doesn't pick up and that frustrates you.

Next, is Aphmau and she doesn't pick up either.

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