Misaki Mei

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Okay so I know I haven't been here for a while. I was trying to see what I could do for the character Zoila made. I've came to a decision that if you make a character they'll have at least 2 chapters focused around them. They may or may not appear in the story afterwards. Depends if I challenge myself. That shouldn't stop you from going back to the update and leaving characters there. Zoila feel free to leave another character. I've actually been watching Attack On Titan lately.... I'm on ep 22 or something around there. I also noticed I hit 100 views not too long ago. Thanks for that! Anyways... Enjoy!

" Pshhh shouldn't stop me..."

" Well if you were in an actually situation like that you'd probably -"

" Kick their ass?"

" Wow.... Just wow..."

" Too straight forward?"

" No but-"

" Caught you by surprise."

" You really need to work on that."

" Sorry I don't mean to.. I've interrupted people my whole life. While they misjudge me."

" Ummm... Excuse me? Who are we talking about here?"

" Me?"

" No not you, you're not the one who gets misjudged."

" Well lets not go that far."

" Oh I'm going that far."

" Shut up already... People take me differently than others."

" Is it because of your favorite colors?"

" Uh no, why would I care about my favorite colors?"

I then saw my best friend cover her mouth

" That too?!"

" No... No.. I didn't mean to-"

I then planted my face in my hands and did a high-pitched scream.

" Are you done? People are staring like there's-"

I continued to scream into my hands and I stopped for a second.

" I'm done now.."

" Okay great can we-"


" I guess you weren't done."

Macy then walked away leaving me there. I threw my hands in the air and followed her.

" Are we going to your house?"

" I don't know are you gonna stop screaming into your hands?"

A smirk creeped up my face

" Can I scream outside my hands?"

We both stopped for a second. I heard police sirens and it didn't take very long for us to both figure out why. I bursted out laughing.

" HAhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!"

" No its not funny we're in big-"

The officer ran past us both to a house and I continued to laugh. I looked at Macy and saw her start laughing too.

" You're too uptight you know."

" Yeah I know."

I walked to her house with her and made it there. I've been to Macy's house many times before but, looking at it from the outside made it grand. We went inside and sat on the couch. She then turned on the news and my jaw dropped.

" Garroth dating Y/N?!"

" Don't be too-"

" AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I've known Garroth for as long as I can remember! Oh my and he's been my crush! How can life get worse?!"

The T.V. then answered my question and I stared at it like it read my mind.

" I sense a marriage in the future Karen."

I thought to myself and I sense a murder. I looked at Macy and she already read my mind.

" Don't get yourself into trouble Misaki." I turned to her and said

" How am I suppose to do that when I don't even know her-" A smirk came across my face and Macy face palmed

" I won't get you out of this you know."

" Of course you will my dear best friend!"

" No I won't"

" Yes you will! You'll just talk to Travis and-"

" T-travis?!"

I was using her again. She had a huge crush on Travis and I always threatened her by telling her that I'd tell Travis that she liked him. I seriously don't know what she see's in him. Except for his straight forwardness. That's about it.

" I'll tell... Simple as that."

" No! I'll get information I swear!"

A smirk went across my face. I knew exactly what my next steps were and how fast they should be put into action. Macy looked at me and she immediately pulled out her phone and dialed Garroth's phone number. Her fingers were like little spider monkeys. Fast, yet dangerous. I couldn't help it but giggle.

Y/N was going to live in a hell until she broke up with him. Might as well start basic, I thought to myself.

Actually I might make 3 parts out of this.... The main series should actually go up to 15 chapters and after that I'll take suggestions on what I should do with the time I have on my hands... Even though I'm in middle school.. I MEAN! Have a great day and I hoped you enjoyed and Zoila let me know if you actually like this! Until next time ~ Quinn ~ Otherwise your favorite person on planet Earth... I hope not... That'd be weird

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