Garroth x Reader ~ Chickens

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SCREW WHAT I WAS GOING TO PUT UP BECAUSE ITS NOT WORKING HOW I WANT IT TO GO SO, FUCK! THAT!! I AM NOT GOING TO WASTE MY FUCKING TIME WITH THAT! Also, on a happier note, I went on the ride above. And HOLY FUCK, the guy that was working on it, by the way, it was only me with my cousin, the young one in the picture, with her step sister. I was asking the guy so many questions. Turns out, he only went on it 5 times. My face: -.- I can't believe you. Long story short, I lived. The ride is important because you know, it's in the story. Those who've been to Castles ~n~ Coasters those are the rides I'm using. Enjoy~!


" Laurance! Two FUCKING words." You say.

" Which is?" He asks, still looking at the ride.

" CHICKEN SHIT!!" You yell.

He looks at you "You go on it then."

" The Sea Dragon? Gladly." You say.

You turn to the group.

They all nod in agreement.

You turn to Laurance and you have this huge grin on your face.

" Let's go!" You say and skip over to the ride.

Well, the girls that went were:

Ivy, Teony, Lucinda, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Nicole, Cadenza, and you.


Zane, Garroth, Vylad, Laurance, Aaron, Reese, Gene, Dante, Travis, Brenden, and Marsh.

The lady that works at the ride looked at all of you.

" Uh, you guys one group?" She asks.

" Yeah, can we just go on one ride, just all of us?" You ask.

She laughs and nods.

So, you go on the very end, and grab Garroth's hand.

So really, the couples get on the left side,

You and Garroth.

Aaron and Aphmau.

Katelyn and Travis.

Nicole and Dante.

Last, but not least,

Eleanora and Laurance.

On the other side, everyone who is single sit in the empty seats.

" Hey Laurance!" You shout.

The lady looks at you and you tell her to hold on a second.

" What?" He asks, turning around.

" Your sitting in the middle of the fucking ship, have Katelyn and Travis move or something." You say.

" We'll move." Aphmau volunteers.

" Thanks Aph." You say.

She nods and Aaron smiles at you.

" I hate you." He says and gets in the second to last seat at the end.

Eleanora plops down right next to him, with a smile on her face.

" I love you Laurance." She says.

" Shut up." He says.

You snort, " Careful Laurance."

" I love you too." He says.

She kisses his cheek.

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