Chapter 14: Bad News

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Okay, play the song.... It gives you all the hints you could possibly need for this chapter. Zoila, I'm terrible at making up my mind so, I changed her again. Back to normal. *Sigh* I'm terrible at this. By the way, Chapter 11: Pets, is a few months  after Chapter 10: A Few Years Later. I wanted to make that clear before I forgot for the second time. Like I said before, my cousins friend helped me pick out the ending. And tomorrow's chapter might go up tonight as well. Then this'll turn into a one-shot sort of thing.

Just to make this clear, if anyone suggests a Teacher Garroth x Student Reader, I will murder you. I refuse to do such, okay? Good. Maybe later in my life.

Grab your tissue boxes and enjoy!

You run up to Misaki's house and knock as fast as you can. She opens the door and smiles.

" Do you have him here?" You ask.

" Garroth? No, haven't seen him since the incident. I'm sorry about everything though." She says and looks down.

" Thank you." You say and turn around.

When you sit in the car you break down again. Stella rubs your back and Henry looks at you in the mirror.

You get back to the house and pace around. A call to your phone makes you jump.

You fumble in your pocket and answer the phone.

Your nervous.

" Hello?" You ask.

" Hello, is this Ms. L/N?" The FBI asks.

Here we go, its just like in all the cheesy movies you and Garroth use to watch. You use to criticize with him about how unreal it was. Now here you are, playing the cheesy role in real life.

" Y-yes." You say.

" We have bad news." The man says.

Stella, Henry and Travis walk over. They eye you and Stella runs to your side and grabs your arm.

" W-which is?" You ask, your voice shaky.

" Garroth Ro'Meave, he is..... Dead." The man says.

You hold back all the tears and hand the phone to Henry and walk away. You break down no less than a second you walk away.

The tears form waterfalls on your face. Placing your head in your hands you shake your head.

" Why me?" You ask.

You seem to ask that a lot now. Ever since he went missing it was always "Why me" But why not "It should be me". You've had this perfect life and Irene was to throw a rock in it sooner or later.

You guess the later was too much for you.


Stella walks over to you and you throw your hands up to halt her.

" I want to be alone." You say.

You weren't going to fall into the depressing state.

You couldn't.

You had a baby to get ready for in less than three months.

Everything was just too much for you.

-~*~- A Few Hours Later -~*~-

You stop sitting in the room with Bacon and Eggs and you get up and walk out.

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