Garroth x Reader ~ Happy Birthday To You!

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Guess what! Author~Senpai's birthday was on Father's Day and I had a blast going to Jack In The Box for a dinner for him and me! Though, we kept our tradition and got ice cream cake for my birthday. I only have ice cream cake. Anyways.... So this is a duo sort of thing. A Father's Day and a Birthday thing. Also, Happy Late Father's Day! Enjoy!

( Okay, literally just thought of this when I'm in the middle of the story, Garroth, Zane and Vylad, don't live with Zianna and Garte. They're just there to celebrate Father's Day. Just wanted to make this clear...)

" So, what're you doing for Father's Day?" Eleanora asks.

You turn to Eleanora and look at her.

" Well, probably take him to dinner or something."

" Classic." She says.

" Thanks. Though, I want to hang out with Garroth."

" Why?"

You sigh heavily " Today is my birthday."

" It is?! I'm going shopping see you later!" She yells and runs out the door.

" Great, now I'm alone." You say quietly.

You get up and change your clothes.

Pulling out your phone, you call your dad.

" Hey dad?"

" Yeah, (Y/N)?"

" You wanna go out to dinner or something later?"

" Your sister and brother are already doing that."

" Do you want to hang out then?"

" No." He hangs up.

You pull down your phone and look at it.

" Well fuck you to."

It rings a moment later and its your father. You pull it to your ear and answer.

" Happy Birthday though Princess."

" Fuck you old man." You say and hang up.

You chuckle and dial Garroth.

" Hey Garroth?"

" Yeah (Y/N)?"

Oh great, this is going the same way as the phone call with my father. You think.

" Wanna hang out...?"

" I was going to hang out with my dad today with Vylad and Zane." He says.

Well, Mr.Ro'Meave has always been a father figure towards me.

" Stupid question."

" Nothing you say is stupid."

" Okay, lets not go that far."

He laughs " Shoot."

" Can I celebrate with you guys?"

" What happened to your father?"

" He was being an old fuck and wouldn't hang out with me."

" Not even dinner?"

" My brother and sister are already treating him."

" Yeah, come hang out with us."

" Thanks."

" (Y/N)?"

Garroth x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang