Moriko Arakaki ~ Part 3 ~ Final

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SPRING BREAK! Yay! I'm officially on spring break. Um this was really the only time I really, really felt like typing this. Enjoy~ Hehehehehehee

After sitting on the couch with Misaki for a little while I said I was going to read in my room and not to bother me. To let you in on a secret, I wasn't going to read. I walked inside my room and shut my door and locked it. We both agreed that the cat, Misa, should stay out there. In the living room area. I went over to my head phones with all the latest music. ( Not going to say anything because you might not know the song)

I creeped over to my Game Cube and turned it on. I popped in Mario Party 7 ( My cousin and I play that one all the time at her house) and grabbed the controller and set it on my bed. I turned the volume down on the tv because I didn't want Misaki to hear and grabbed my headphones and turned them on. I sat down on my bed and leaned forward. I was a hardcore gamer when I was playing against my bestest of friends. They all knew my gaming secret except for Misaki and Macy.

I might've played for over 8 hours until I finally heard the knocking at the front door. I got up and turned off the Game Cube after saving and turning off my phone. I unplugged the headphones and turned off the tv and hid the Game Cube controller. I walked over to my door, unlocked it and walked out to the main room. I walk over to see a note on the dining room table saying " Sorry went out to go shopping. Be home soon"

" Well at least she left a note." I turned to the door and walked over. I opened it and saw Dante.

" Uh hi?" I said looking behind me to find the cat.

" Hi, Moriko are you okay?" I tuned back to him and smiled. My nerves were slowly creeping up

" Yeah totally okay, looking for the cat, why?" He raised a brow

" You got a cat?"

" Um, long story short, she came through my window, were you not there to see Garroth freak out if I could name it Sprinkles?"

" You actually asked him that?"

" Yeah, great reaction, why are you here?" Dante leaned forward.

" To let you in on a secret." I swear I could hear my Game Cube on in my room.

" Which is?" I say turning my head to my bedroom.

" Is that Game Cube?" I whipped my head to him

" No, it might be my music." He nodded not believing me.

I turned my head again looking at the door. I thought I turned it off, unless a certain cat got to my room and messed things up.

" Heh, I don't know what's going on with my music, normally it would've shut off by now." I saw turning my head back to Dante in my face.

" I like you."

" What?" I say with a nervous giggle " Like as a friend right?"

He leaned even closer " More than a friend."

He took a step forward as I took one back and we did that 10 times. When we were done doing that he had shut the door and locked it.

" What are you doing Dante?" Still with a nervous giggle.

" Oh, only doing what I've wanted for a while."

I could feel my heart about to jump out of my chest and start running in circles right then and there.

Garroth x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt