Scarlett River ~ Part Three

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Okay! This is the last one for Scarlett! I will start on the new character! YES! I'm kind of excited for that one... I have an idea~! Enjoy!

" Your crazy!" I shriek.

" You have to go against him." Boss says.

" He's almost killed people! I'm not going against him!"

" Then say goodbye to your career." He says.

" Grrrr, your going to regret this when I get hurt." I say and spin around.

I walk over to Vylad.

" So, who'd you get?"

" The fat sumo guy."

" Your kidding me! You can't go against him!"

" I have to Vylad!"

He hugs me and kisses me " Your better be careful."

The guy I'm going against, his name is Jordan. We call him a fat sumo guy, when really, he's just strong. He's never lost a match to anybody.

" Scarlett! Jordan! Get your butts up here!" The guy yells.

I breathe out. Then I breath in.

I'm in the ring.

Huff, huff, duck!

I drop to the ground, his fist just barely catching my hair.

Huff, huff, huff.

I'm caught off guard and he punches me square in the jaw.

I stumble back and few steps.

I move it around. Good, it still works.

" Come on Scarlett! Find his weak spot!" I hear Vylad yell.

I analyze him. His fists are where they're suppose to be.

He goes to punch me and I duck again.

He bounces on his toes like I do.

He kicks my side, I fall to the ground and push myself up.

Looking at his legs, they're more bent than the normal.

The fool, he's suppose to have learned that.

I smirk, moving in a little.

He punches me and I dodge again, kicking his leg, making it bend more, I go behind him and do the other leg and push him down.

He falls, going to scramble and get up.

I jump up in the air and tackle him to the ground.

He falls and rolls over.

" God dammit." I wheeze.

" Say uncle." He grins.

" Shut up you big sack of lonely potatoes." I say.

I hear Garroth, Vylad and Zane laugh.

People are cheering, I'm slowly dying under this lonely potato. I see Vylad trying to lock eyes with me. Garroth and Zane lean forward a bit. The guy who called us up here, is about to call it game.

Then I let out a growl.

Jordan looks me in the eyes and I let out a deeper growl.

He laughs and I bring my elbow to the middle of his chest.

He looks at me in shock, I just start punching him in the stomach, eventually bringing my foot up to the place that doesn't receive sunshine.

He groans and rolls off of me.

" You lonely sack of potato! I will not lose to you!" I yell.

I jump in the air, bringing my elbow to his back, making him groan and get up.

I get up and bring my leg underneath him, he jumps.

He brings his fist to my stomach and I groan.


Power surges through me.

I bring my hands up, the sweat drips off of my forehead.

My knuckles connect with his chest over and over as I drive him backwards into the ropes.

He brings his foot up to my side, I keep punching him.

" Say uncle idiot." I say.

One powerful blow, goes to my stomach, and I just about, fly to the other side of the place.

I scoot back, into the ropes and look at him bewildered.

He kicks my side and I protect one thing, my head.

I swing my leg around and he trips and falls.

I push myself up and look at him, trying to understand.

Why hasn't he taken the blow to me, like all the other people he has.

He's toying with me.

He gets up and the blow is great.

Lights out for me.

He got my jaw, and I don't remember a thing besides his fist coming at an inhuman speed to my face.

Waking up, couldn't have been worse.

I couldn't see a thing, so I push the ice pack off of my face.

I try to push myself up, and I groan and get up a few inches.

Vylad's head turns to me and he's missing a tooth.

" What happened to you?" I ask him.

" Well, the guy in the ring said one more person could go up, I went in. He was on the edge of getting knocked out. I got him for you."

" So now your missing a tooth?" I ask.

" Yeah." He smiles.

" You look like an idiot." I say.

He frowns " Your mean."

Rolling my eyes, I bring my hand up to my jaw and poke at it. Seems fine.

I push myself up, still wincing at the pain.

He helps me off of the couch and I stretch.

" Ow, ow, ow." I say.

" Then stop." Zane says.

" Stop trying to be smart." I say.

He sighs and goes back to playing the cat game.

We walk around, eventually ending up sitting underneath the tree in the backyard, under the shade.

I put my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around my waste.

" I love you Vylad."

" I love you too Scarlett."

AAAWWW happy ending <3. And, they're is like what? 1 more until 69.... Oh Irene.. Help. I'm going to have to write a really long chapter for that one... Oh dear Irene... The stuff that's going to happen. ;-; . Help! Hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn!

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