Garroth x Heartbroken Reader ~ A Breakup Cure

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Okay, I literally just typed this and decided on a cheesy name and yeah! Enjoy~!

" What do you mean your breaking up with me?" You ask into your phone.

Your boyfriend, was breaking up with you and left you to drown in tears.

" I'm sorry (y/n) its over." He says and hangs up.

You slowly bring your phone down from your face and start shaking.

You loved him... A lot and you thought he loved you back....

You were mistaken.

Pulling out your phone, you dial a friend's number. He picks up after the forth ring and asks what's wrong almost immediately.

" H-he broke up with me Garroth." You say.

" Do you want me to come over?" He asks.

" Y-yes." You say.

Lets just say, you didn't take break ups easily.... It was a nightmare for you.

An hour or so later, Garroth is over and he knocks on your door.

You trudge over and open the door. He immediately engulfs you in a hug and you wrap your arms around his torso.

" Are you okay? What can I do?" He asks.

" I-I'm fine I guess... You can't really do anything for me. It'll heal over time I guess." You say.

He lets go and you turn around and trudge back over to you couch.

" It really sucks you know?" You say into the cushions.

" Pardon?" Garroth says.

You lift your face " It really sucks you know?"

" It really does suck but, I wouldn't know." He says.

" How would you not know?" You say.

He doesn't say anything and a red tint comes over his face.

Your eyes widen a bit and you smile " You've never had a girlfriend, have you?"

He shakes his head, the blush getting redder.

" Cool." You say and face plant back into the cushions.

" I'd like to have one though.... I'm not sure if she'll accept..." He says.

You flip over " What's her personality?"

*Describes you*

( Author-Chan is too lazy to describe a person and I don't know what you want to be so, here. Also, you face planted into the couch, so you had to flip over.... Not sure if you knew that already.)

" Sounds interesting. Especially since your a quiet type guy." You say.

" Mmmhhmmm." He says.

" I say go for it. Take chances. You never know if she'll say yes or not.... Why are we talking about this right after I broke up with my boyfriend?" You say.

" I brought it up so blame it on me." He says.

" You are now officially blamed." You say.

You both laugh.

" Okay, here goes nothing." He says.

" Hm?" You say.

" (y/n)? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

You sit up and look into Garroth's eyes. The red across his face gets darker every second.

" So, you were talking about me?" You say.

He nods " Yes."

" And you weren't sure if I'll accept." You say.

" Mmmmhmmmm." He says.

" Sure... Yes I mean, yes." You say.

He smiles and comes over to you and sits next to you.

" So what's next then?" He asks.

" I don't know but your a great breakup cure. Netflix?" You say.

" Netflix." He says.

Another reason to why I'm not updating too quickly is because of my dad stealing my computer and not giving it back so he can play his video game..... Yeah and I hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

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