Weekly, weekly Me

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 "Weekly, weekly me,"

Said I,

Ignoring poor conditions,

That surround me.

"Weekly, weekly you,"

Said I,

Many burdens have come to pass,

Yet diligence won over,

And every change brings out a new you.

"Weekly, weekly wee,"

Said we,

Many little things we have changed,

Many tears,

Way to little,

Woe to be with no one,

Pains we endured,

Praise to you champions,

The way too wee ones,

For wee changes,

Wee cries,

Made happiness and newness possible,

And who says no gain with pain, the new wee?  

50 Poetry for a Happy Soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें