Surgeonfish to the rescue

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Paddles, paddles and paddles,

My feet paddles in Great Barrier Reef.

Tried not to choke myself,

I put on the scuba diving apparatus.

Angelfishes are abundant,

Their thin, vivid strips stands out,

Their ventral fins are angel-like,

Make me, though, feel peasant-like.

Surgeonfish are different,

"Come save me!" I shout in my heart ludicrously,

A hand stops me from approaching them,

"Remember,surgeonfish are poisonous,"

I was reminded in my heart of the lecture I got before diving.

There are photos I took,

Many of them are astounding,

I can expect friends for a long chat and dining,

With this as a subject matter.

I head up and back to Port Douglas,

There is a trip to a river nearby soon,

I can't wait to be so happy again,

With fish that delighted me for many, many times.

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