Mulberry Tree Talk

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I talk to you,

You talk to me,

That is called diplomacy.

Strolling down the streets of Changchun,

I found that they are all clean,

Who told the aged men and women to clean the streets?

I found that they just bear a need to serve the community,

Notwithstanding the manifesto that is disseminated among them,

Kindness, pure kindness towards others and surroundings,

Is another level of being involved in things.

I tried to act kind when I talk to you,

But I met with failure,

For be kind to one another is different from acting kind,

For the purity of the heart is like the mulberry tree,

Sweet to the soul, smooth to the throat.

So I think and bethink,

I will just be myself,

When I talk to you,

Failures there be,

So let us trust,

And believe in,

One another,

For as long as the Sun goes.

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