Little Italy and Great Italy

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Little Italy,

Delicacies come out of you,

I miss the pizzas and spaghetti heartily,

Delicious dishes to be consumed.

I miss panini of Florence for many times,

Succulent beef is wrapped then dipped in stew,

Nice flavour yet not so salty, to my liking,

Definitely a good place to eat panini, to name a few.

I miss gnocchi in Rome,

Be it with tomato sauce,

Or with cream sauce,

I miss them both, happy to feel home.

Yet Great Italy,

For being the centre of Renaissance,

Many beautiful sculptors have come forth,

Not to say great cooks that tolerate many nuisance.

Once at the beautiful bridge of Florence,

I saw shops on top of the bridge, oh dear,

There was an opening afforded the beautiful view, for sure,

Of the river that ran course through the city and the bridge.

I will come to you again, Great Italy,

So many enchanting places I have been,

Yet you have got my jolly happy tummy,

Certainly I will one day come again,

My dearest Italy.

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