The Pacer

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You gave me life,

You took away from me,

Uncertainties in life,

However small it might seem,

Whatsoever importance it really was,

From a timely fell,

I needed you to live.

You gave me gossips,

That because of you,

People's conversations were hijacked,

From sheer perturbance to jeering,

Due to a timely fell,

I needed you to live,

Yet the world was not only revolving around me.

You shocked me,

Both literally and metaphorically,

My heart was ailing,

Yet you gave me hope,

Those lovely shocks,

Those miracles away from my supposed way to grave,

With full electrical caresses,

My body was ready to live longer.

I needed not any inspirational talks,

For those implied me myself not having any talent,

Upon the stage I acted,

Upon the stage I did piano,

Staccatos, legatos and I loved the machine of music,

For their completeness gave me renewed life;

I loved my gay costumes, my macho visage,

For they spiced up my rather boring life;

Yet you reminded me that I was only human,

Once the Creator have called upon me,

However struggling I have always been,

I am there to oblige.

Here I am,

With you taking care of me,

No matter what tough operation I have been to,

Life is an exciting journey,

I am now giving a talk to normal people,

For my normality in anomaly;

My usual personality,

Indeed juts out for not wanting to be too content,

For deep inside I know,

It is not living with a disability that makes me special,

But it is having an ability despite having handicaps,

For having a pleasant self that loves to share,

That makes my world the way it is.

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