David's Sadness

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He was David Raparaj,

Twenty-Seven was he,

Through sunshine and rain,

He thought forever safe,

That he will be.

The scandal involving a person of the same name,

Disrupted his life, though unexpectedly,

He thought that people would give him a clean name,

However he's sad, really unexpectedly.

People say that he abused his wife,

And ran away with his wife's money;

He did not do of those to his beloved wife;

Nor did he need to feel that sorry.

David's sad.

That people misunderstood him;

David's sad,

That the press had to help him.

He made so big a declaration,

That none of those nonsense should be linked to him,

Later he made a reservation,

At a restaurant so that people will eat with him.

His name was cleared,


But the rumour seemed to stay,


He did not care anymore,

For he had done his part;

Just as he realized,

That he needed not feel sore,

For that was not his fault,

To be victimized;

To be free of rumours was desired,

But to feel happy, not despised;

It was doable.

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