Gold Hill Trip

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The name was so enticing,

That many would want to travel to,

The legendary hill, Gold Hill,

Also called Gunung Ledang,

Where all the mystery could be solved.

Rumours were that,

The first group of Chinese explorers have found some gold,

In the country rich of tin,

Which sent some more explorers there to dig more.


The Chinese legend said that,

The protector spirits were unhappy with people coming for gold,

As they had even taken forbidden photographs at the hill,

So the spirits teleported all the gold reserves to San Francisco,

Leaving only the adventurous travellers a mystery to solve.

Earlier today,

I went up the hill after taking a soak at the pool,

Be careful not to anger the unknown,

We spoke softly all the way up the hill,

We saw a spectacular view,

Other smaller hills, some small towns,

And most importantly, trees all the way,

Which convinced me that,

Be it the Malay princess legend,

Or the Chinese teleport theory,

The charm remains with the hill,

For many many years we can foresee.

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