Physically-challenged Not Disabled

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There hung a motto,

Carrying much of the spirit,

Too many would project,

As positivism.

Tartilla the boy,

In an unexpected accident,

Lost his legs and left arm,

But was always grateful,

To what God had given him.

He took the brush and wrote,

An ancient Chinese word,

Named "Prosperity",

However strained he used to be,

Now there only was serenity in his heart.

His mother loved him so much,

So neat and well-put every character,

That he had already staunch fans,

Who bought them for every Chinese New Year.

He led a life,

Once broken and in despair,

Until one visit from a wiser man,

That let him know,

Living with dignity did not require much physicality,

But only being content with life,

Knowing the world would not otherwise,


Leaving him alone.

Now the fruits of his work,

Were coming to him,

He finally possessed,

The courage to move on,

As he knew,

Though the world might look cruel to some,

Deep inside,

He felt,

That there is always love and freedom,

Acceptance and perseverance,

Till the permanence in Heaven,

And the immortality of this literary work remains.

50 Poetry for a Happy SoulWhere stories live. Discover now